Insights from an Affaire Portal: The Top 5 Reasons Why Women Deceive Their Men

4 min readSep 27, 2018

Even if we do not want to hear it: we are unfaithful. Around one in two has alienated their partner before. In the year 2018, for the first time, women statistically have overtaken the male world on the subject of “infidelity”. As the published registration numbers of Isabelle Martin (38) prove. With her portal “L****M***Finder”, the native Frenchwoman has been the undisputed number one since two years when it comes to discretely and simply finding an affair.

In an interview, Isabelle talks about the sudden success of her portal “L****M***Finder”, unfaithfulness in general and the main reasons why women end up in the arms of strangers.

Isabelle, according to a published statistic, the female sign up numbers on your portal are exploding, why is that?

Our portal is aimed especially at adult women who are emancipated and know what they want. When building “L****M***Finder” we always have been focused at the sexual needs of women. Additionally we took care about creating the most discrete platform possible. At the same time, we have a strict selection policy when males apply for our community. Our female members appreciate this exclusivity, even though we unfortunately have to reject a large number of men when registering.

What do you think about the recent increase of infidelity in relationships?

To be honest, I find it neither good nor bad. I believe that this is a natural development in a modern culture. Nowadays, the possibilities are simply too diverse to be denied. For far too long it has been considered as a minor offense, when men had a “side chick”. I feel that there is a small female revolution happening now and I would be lying if I said that I think it’s bad.

You recently published a survey of your forgiven female members, why they are unfaithful, what came out?

We carried out the survey on “L****M***Finder” for men and women and came up with five primary overlaps:
1. Sexually frustrated
Sad but true: unfortunately it is often just the sexual frustration, which brings people to seek their luck in a stranger bed. Frustration in bed is the most commonly used argument from users of “L****M***Finder”.
2. Feeling unloved
The feeling of not being loved and desired or simply being self-evident is another risk factor for side skippers. Everyday life, housework and the self-evident fact of having a partner everyday in his or her life have made it to the second place as a named reason.
3. The relationship lacks that “extra” something
Surprisingly, more and more foreigners say that they do not want to miss their relationship. However, they lack the “crackle”, the exciting adventure of getting to know a completely foreign person.
4. The ‘one last time’ syndrome
Showing the other that you want to spend your life with him or her, and possibly forever, is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, it can also lead to the fact that at the opposite panic breaks out. One is afraid that “is is the end” and would like to enjoy one last exciting time, before finally leaving the market.
5. The good opportunity
Interestingly, people do not go stale at the first opportunity, as soon as they have the opportunity. Experience has shown that people who let off steam on a business trip in foreign beds, for example, previously had the unspoken thoughts of an infidelity and thus have been waiting for the right opportunity.

Thank you Isabelle for the detailed interview, would you like to share something with our readers?

Trust creates respect, and there is no better protection against being betrayed than mutual respect. Therefore you should give your partner some freedom. If he goes out alone, he should not see this as an opportunity to no longer be under surveillance by you, instead he should miss you. Give him or her the opportunity.

Conclusion about the portal

We got from Isabelle the opportunity to spend two weeks extensively looking around at “L****M***Finder” and are fascinated by this sub-world. The portal looks very tidy and active. The proportion of women clearly outweighs to our surprise. Discretion is a top priority in every corner of the page. Within a few days, we were able to build up several exciting discussions with members and, surprisingly, we were messaged within that short time frame by several solo ladies for an appointment. We say thumbs up, “L****M***Finder” is characterized by a very active community and a perfect user guidance.




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