30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge

How to Take Care of Yourself During Unemployment

Your main job is to put one foot in front of the other. You got this!

Anton the Writer
5 min readFeb 6, 2024
Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash

Being unemployed sucks. It is what it is.

You might be bored, you have to make ends meet on a smaller budget and face some insecurities around self-image and self-worth. The ongoing layoffs in many industries, especially within the tech sector can contribute to what is called unemployment depression.

While some see a layoff as beneficial and a chance to move on from a stagnant job, others will feel stressed out and emotionally impacted by this change in their professional life.

People who have been fired can feel a sense of loss and a big sadness, as Stanford University researchers suggest. The symptoms range from emotional reactions such as fear or anger to physical ones such as fatigue or weight loss.

I have been previously unemployed. I’m going through it again. And while it’s different for all of us, I found several coping strategies and mechanisms to lighten the load.

I’d love to share some of them with you today.

Remember your qualities

Our Western capitalist culture loves to define the individual by their job. “What do you do?”, we ask a new acquaintance. So what do you do when you’re out of a job?

Remember, your work is a tiny fraction of your identity. You are someone’s child or parent, a partner, a good friend, the person who loves to go crazy on the dancefloor. Etc.

Recall your strengths, make a list of them, and hang it above your desk so you can see it every day.

Find a support group

Here is where I’d like to give a shoutout to Judit Sáez Gonzálvez and her incredibly helpful support group called The Good Job Search.

There are dozens of us, sharing tips and advice, laughing about rejections, and cheering each other on. It’s great to see that you’re not alone in this. I wish I had a similar group last year when I was looking for a job for 11 months!

You can contact Judit on LinkedIn and see if you’d like to join the group. Or maybe form your own support group?

Take the time to find out what you really want

What are you looking for? Are you on a linear path with a clear progression?

It’s often good to take a moment and reconsider. Do you want to move up the corporate ladder or would you like to switch industries? A job coach might be what you need. There are lots of offers online and if you are unemployed in Germany, the Jobcenter will cover their costs for you.

Pick up a new skill

Whether you learn a new language or find out more about SEO, make sure the invest the time you now have into something that will nurture your mind and spirit.

LinkedIn offers some free courses and Udemy often has outlandish discounts of up to -90%. Speaking of which, they are currently running a sale, which expires in two days!

And no I’m not paid to say that.

Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash

Do gratitude lists

My friend, who is a coach, is big on these. I admit, I find the idea of doing gratitude lists corny at times but they help you feel grounded and humble.

What are you grateful for? Good health, a roof over your head, Wi-Fi, good friends, food? Write it down. You can make it a practice to write down one thing each day and see how much you will come up with over a month!

Stay in touch with family and friends

Unemployment is a lonely period. Even with a professional support group and a therapist in your corner, the moods will come around. Be sure to reach out to your close ones. Meet them for a coffee, go to see a movie together, or make a plan to do an activity like a game night.

These work wonders.

Go outside!

When I was going through the motions last year, I decided to pick up my habit from COVID: Going outside every day.

I would take a walk through the nearby park and circle back home. That would take me anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes. Not only did it clear my mind, but I also gained a new appreciation for the seasons. Walking by the canal I could see spring approaching with each day; in the summer I sat on the grass in the park and watched groups of people. It felt like I was really in touch with my surroundings. Like I was coming around each day, checking up on them.

Touch some grass.

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

Try a new hobby or volunteer

Why do you think I’m here in the first place?

Jokes aside, this might be the time you delve deeper into a new hobby. What is something you always wanted to do but never could fit into your schedule? Now is the time, pal!

Most cities offer several ways to volunteer. You could work at a homeless shelter or a community garden project. Free Karma points and new experiences!

Remember: This, too, will end

Keep in mind: Unemployment is a transitional period.

It will eventually be over and you may find yourself missing all the free time (ha). So while it’s soul-crushing to receive automated rejections, try to approach it with a sense of humor. Gamify the rejection game.

Remember: A rejection does not mean you’re worthless. It’s someone else missing out.

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Thanks, and see you tomorrow! ❤️✍🏻



Anton the Writer

Senior Copywriter, film lover, plant dad and baker. Here to share thoughts & opinions on current movies and other non-fictional writing of mine. Welcome!