Anto Semeraro

Dec 6, 2023

19 stories

Front-End Development

Explore the integration of text-to-speech in React using Web Speech API, including voice selection, speech customization, and error handling
Dive into efficient lazy loading techniques using JavaScript and HTML5, and learn through practical examples how to boost website speed and improve user experience
Unlocking responsive web design, and master CSS Grid and Flexbox for dynamic, cross-device layouts with a practical guide and code examples
Learn to build a dynamic currency converter, and mastering ExchangeRate API Integration with JavaScript for real-time financial calculations
Learn to enhance your website’s interactivity by streaming YouTube videos through JavaScript, and using the YouTube IFrame Player API for seamless video integration.
Unlocking seamless user experiences with the Clipboard API: from basic setup to advanced features, pitfalls, best practices, and integration in contemporary web applications
Mastering server-side rendering in Vue.js with this guide that will help you boost web app performance, enhance SEO, and streamline deployment using Nuxt.js
Exploring the use of JavaScript’s MediaQueryList API in responsive web design, offering a practical guide to handling diverse devices, screen sizes, and user settings for improved user experience.
Expore the opportunities of D3.js, JavaScript’s premier library for data visualization, and bring your data to life with dynamic, interactive charts resembling Medium’s statistical insights.
Explore how to create robust and efficient web applications using GraphQL with React, leveraging tools like GraphQL Code Generator and Apollo Client for seamless state management and real-time updates.
Creating an interactive text-to-speech application using JavaScript and Web Speech API with a comprehensive step-by-step guide.
Uncover the secrets of Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit and React-Redux hooks API: understand its elegance, address its challenges, and write superior code with real-life examples.
Explore the world of Angular forms — understand the difference between template-driven and reactive forms, and discover their strengths, weaknesses, and best use cases for effective front-end development.
Navigating the world of custom React hooks: Demystifying their creation and usage for cleaner, more maintainable code, thereby setting the stage for a new way to think about React application development.
Explore the creation of a universal JSON serializer using TypeScript, with real-world applications in React and Angular: A clear and concise guide for both novice and experienced coders.
Unravel the secrets of Redux with code examples in React applications: understand its power, face its challenges, and write better code with real-life examples.
Master the art of creating seamless and visually appealing drag-and-drop interactions in your React applications with the power of React Beautiful Dnd library.
Mastering micro frontends with a complete guide, and code examples, to choosing the ideal JavaScript framework for your project: a comparison of React, Angular, Vue.js, and Svelte.
Unlock the power of UI design with a comprehensive guide to creating intuitive, user-friendly, and engaging interfaces for web and mobile platforms.
Anto Semeraro

Anto Semeraro

Technical Lead and Computer Scientist: Mentoring, Software Design, Architecture, UX & UI, and Technical Writer. 🌐💻