Anto Semeraro

Mar 14, 2024

21 stories

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Full-Stack Development

Discover the resurgence of the command line as a DevOps powerhouse, revealing how .NET developers can build and manage sophisticated tools for today’s cloud-native world
Exploring JSON in JavaScript with a straightforward guide covering fundamentals, best practices, and real-world applications for developers
Navigating the Full-Stack JavaScript with this curated series to optimizing website performance, mastering asynchronous programming with Promises, comparing modern build tools, diving deep into the Node.js event loop, and crafting robust error handling strategies
Discover the potential of modern JavaScript with a comprehensive exploration of the Proxy and Reflect APIs, and delve into the heart of reactivity, optimization, and robust web development for today’s dynamic digital landscape.
Understanding the evolution from early JavaScript global scope, through Module patterns, to the modern use of ES6 classes and modules for clean and efficient code.
Master the art of handling and managing errors in JavaScript, and discover the nuts and bolts of try-catch-finally blocks, throwing errors, custom error classes, and best practices that lead to more resilient and reliable applications.
Understanding JavaScript’s leading bundlers with a deep dive into Parcel, Rollup, and Snowpack for streamlined development & optimized performance.
A deep-dive exploration of binary trees, their real-world applications, and the essential role they play in software development, implemented in JavaScript with proper use cases.
Discover the transformative potential of JavaScript’s FileReader API with this complete guide, enriched with real-world case studies, and detailed into file handling.
Harness the power of cloud technologies to create an advanced, scalable, and accessible Text-to-Speech solution, with a friendly and easy tool: AWS Polly.
Understand in detail how Node.js uses its Event Loop to handle tasks efficiently and learn to optimize your applications using practical case studies.
Explore the extensive world of JavaScript array methods, from the most common operations to custom functions and advanced use cases, designed to boost your JavaScript coding skills to the next level.
Discover the power of regular expressions for efficient and sophisticated pattern search and string manipulation in JavaScript with 10 clear and simple examples.
Master higher-order functions in javascript to unleash your coding potential, optimize your projects, and improve your programming skills with JavaScript examples.
Explore the fascinating world of JavaScript generators and iterators through engaging examples, and boost your coding skills like never before
Anto Semeraro

Anto Semeraro

Technical Lead and Computer Scientist: Mentoring, Software Design, Architecture, UX & UI, and Technical Writer. 🌐💻