Published inDAO IPCIOMGE, what are climate policies racing for“In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started…May 22, 20191May 22, 20191
EIP #2050: GHG Emissions Offsetting for Crypto TransactionsWe’ve made a pull-request for Ethereum Improvement Proposal to calculate and offset carbon emissions induced by transactions hoping for…May 19, 20191May 19, 20191
Swapping carbon market fettering chains for blockchain“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Shakespeare, Hamlet (1.4), Marcellus to HoratioMay 17, 2019May 17, 2019
Exploring practical peer-to-peer solutions to the harm and damages to the planet and humanityDraft article prepared jointly with Sergey Lonchakov, Robonomics platform architect, Airalab teamMay 11, 2019May 11, 2019
Published inDAO IPCIOn Peer-to-Peer Solution to Common Resources, Social Costs and Consequential Environmental Damages…Economics as well as economies is a multiverse. Multiple economic semantic universes, multiple spaces exist defined by different semantic…May 4, 20191May 4, 20191
Sustainable forestry in DAO IPCI blockchain: model and token designThere are several sustainable forestry programs getting ready to be launched in DAO IPCI, namely: in Papua New Guinea, Africa, South…Apr 14, 2019Apr 14, 2019
Apologia of BargainingAn important component of the transaction-based peer-to-to peer model[i] is implied though not yet elaborated, and that is bargaining. The…Apr 3, 2019Apr 3, 2019
Creating a peer-to-peer transaction-based model for social and environmental damagesThe assumption that the cause and the source of negative external impact that can be accounted as indirect, consequential damage is a…Mar 31, 20192Mar 31, 20192
“Rooster crowed, who cares for the sunrise “In 2016 IBM announced the launch of blockchain-based carbon market platform in China.[1] To be more accurate it was Hyperledger-based, and…Mar 30, 2019Mar 30, 2019
Published inDAO IPCIПиринговая транзакционная модель возмещения вреда третьей стороне в устойчивом лесопользованииEnglish versionFeb 23, 2019Feb 23, 2019