Antonia Rovayo
6 min readMay 3, 2019

Possible Statements on the Gravity Concept of Nikola Tesla

With all the points previously discussed in my articles, taking the Law of Gauss for a uniformly charged sphere, the Coulomb law, the Faraday field and the Universal Gravitation Law, we can propose a possible Electromagnetic Universal Push Field and a possible Force of Universal Push.

Raised about the theory and in my scientific fiction describe a law that represents … ELECTRODINÁMICA LAW OF THE GRAVITY OF NIKOLA TESLA.

I will briefly comment on an event that gave me the strength to continue with my science fiction ideas. In recent days, I received a correspondence in my email from a man called “Nick”. He expressed support for certain comments and short publications that I make in a scientific page, mainly when I criticize General Relativity, something that few dare to do, but inside, there is doubt …

Nick reminds me of someone … I’m in the defense of Nikola Tesla,

trying to claim it before formal science and someone with a similar name appears. Maybe it’s a coincidence but I liked the incident.

In this part, it is summarized in four statements, the postulates that would support the theory and could prove it until it becomes law.

The first where it is mentioned that gravity is a force of compression or push and never of attraction. The relationship with gravitational waves is mentioned.

The second statement relates the masses of two separate bodies at a distance and how is their gravitational interaction.

The third statement, explains the electrical nature of matter and as the mass of a body, can behave similar to an electric charge. Giving life to the idea that Coulomb’s law and Newton’s law of universal gravitation are expressions of the same phenomenon.

The fourth statement, very important, explains how the force of gravitational thrust can be canceled by ionizing the air.

This was proved by Nikola Tesla, who built and patented his flying machines with anti-gravitational propulsion.

This last part would give the theory EXPERIMENTAL DEMONSTRATION, while the first three sentences would be analytical, according to laws of physics.

Entering already in the statements of the theory, I will begin by the Force:

The ether can convert the weaker mechanical force into a much stronger electromagnetic force. This holds the key to increasing “work” over a period of time. This exchange is constantly happening in our universe and is its unlimited “main engine”. Electromagnetic energy fills the entire space (called radiant energy).

The electromagnetic force is a phenomenon produced through the medium in space (for example, the result of the medium that acts on the ponderable matter). The ponderable bodies and other media filling spaces have a dielectric level. . It is the interaction between the electrical content of each “dynamic” body with the ether carriers that results in the imparting of impulse to a body (an electromagnetic to mechanical conversion).

As the Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun at high speed, a portion of the ether is polarized (“rigidified” by “rapidly varying electrostatic forces” emitted by the Earth) and is carried away by the Earth’s electric field. decreases with the inverse square of the distance from Earth. Tesla measured these electrostatic emissions with a particular partially evacuated tube that could orient as desired and observe how the wave patterns changed shape.

We have to . Gravity always pushes or compresses matter, never attracts it. Another feature that differentiates gravity is that it never changes sign.

We can say, as explained in one of my previous articles, that Gravitational pressure = (Number of electrons m1 + Number of electrons m2) x. Impulse of. Gravitational waves / distance2 The masses can be weighed together, so it will be directly proportional to the sum of its electrons, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

The first statement would be given by the following expression:


“The interaction between two masses by gravitational effect, will always be of push or compression and will be equal to the sum of the electrons of both, being proportional to the gravitational wave impulse and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them”

We have already elaborated the first statement that explains the theory and that could become law. For now it’s just part of my fiction …

Now we go to observe a possible electrostatic imbalance:

We are going to suppose two Iron spheres, separated to one meter of distance and one kilogram of weight, by Newton’s Law: Fg = G.m1.m2 / d2

Fg = 6.67.10–11.1.1 / 12 = 6.67.10–11 N

We know that K = 8.98742. 109 By Coulomb’s Law F = K.q1.q2 / d2

Let’s calculate the forces of attraction and repulsion:

(+ +) It will be Fr1, (- -) It will be Fr2 and (+ -) It will be Fa

K is usually taken as equal in all three cases and it is not so, if Fr1 = Fa-Fg Being, Fa = 1.814323.102N (Attraction), substituting Fr1 = 1.814323.1025–6,67.10–11

If we assume K1 <K3 <K2 by matching the experimentally determined masses of the electron and the proton, it would be true that the repulsion force one plus the repulsion force two would equal the force of attraction minus the force of gravity. That is, the gravity would be precisely in the seemingly imperceptible difference of the different values ​​of K.

I will proceed to formulate the number two statement.


“The relation of forces between two masses separated at a distance is given by the sum of the repulsive forces equaled to the difference between the force of attraction and the gravitational force”

That is, the gravitational force would be given by Fg = Fa-Fr1-Fr2, where Fa is attractive force, Fr1 the repulsive force between negative charges and Fr2 the repulsive force between positive charges.

Regarding the energy fields we can make a reflection:

If it is shown that all organisms have an electrical nature, we can consider them as charges and talk about the concept of “Mass Load”, by Gauss’s Law we know that, if the field is uniform, the force is constant and so is the acceleration . The Coulomb Law can be applied in this case and affirm the third possible statement.


“All bodies have a relationship directly proportional to the product of their mass charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distances that separate them”

Regarding anti-gravitational machines, we can say that there are models designed by Nikola Tesla, to keep a vehicle in the air by ionizing it. It is very simple, it has two layers of conductive metals, the upper ones sharp or pointed and connected to the positive pole and the larger and non-sharp negatives. A high potential difference is applied between them, in the positive pole air is ionized and a flow of molecules is fired towards the negative or lower pole. If the pair of electrodes are joined together, they will feel a force in the opposite direction to the thrust of the ion flow. This proves what is really the force of gravity.

Nikola Tesla knew how to cancel the thrust force caused by gravity. F = I. d / k, where F is the force, I is the current, d is the distance between the electrodes and K is the constant that depends on the fluid and in our case it is the air. A machine that floats in the air … but in complete silence, without any moving mechanical part and without the need for any chemical fuel.

The patent number 1.655.144 of Nikola Tesla details a similar machine in its form to an airplane or helicopter but with an anti-gravity propulsion system.

He developed what he called the “Space Drive” or Anti-Electromagnetic Field propulsion system. He explained that all bodies emanate microwaves whose tension and frequency are determined by their electrical content and relative motion. The interaction of microwaves between celestial bodies produces gravity.

With all the above, you can make the fourth statement, relating the thrust force, the current, the distance between the electrodes and the fluid constant, in our case, is the air K = 286.9 (J / kg K) . The secret is to counteract the vertical thrust force of gravity, cancel it and make the machine float in the air.


“An Anti-Electromagnetic Field propulsion system is generated by placing two layers of conductive metals, one pointed considered positive and the other rounded or negative.

Antonia Rovayo

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection