About tech bros…


I was getting my pump on at the gym the other day when I heard something that made me stop dead in my tracks. It wasn’t the clanging of weights or the grunts of gym rats — it was the term “tech bros” that caught my ear. I knew I had to dive deeper into this topic. So, I did some digging and discovered that tech bros are a cultural phenomenon that have been around for quite some time.

So, what exactly are tech bros? Well, they’re a subculture of men who work in the tech industry and who are known for their brashness, entitlement, and lack of diversity. They often sport a “brogrammer” look, complete with hoodies, flip flops, and a general disregard for traditional office dress codes.

But why is this term gaining so much traction? Well, for one thing, the tech industry is growing at an exponential rate. And with that growth comes an influx of young, ambitious men who are looking to make their mark. But unfortunately, many of these men also come with some unsavory attitudes and behaviors.

For example, tech bros are often criticized for their lack of empathy and their tendency to bulldoze over anyone who gets in their way. They’re also known for perpetuating a “boys club” culture that excludes women and people of color.

Now, I don’t want to paint all men who work in tech with the same brush. After all, there are plenty of amazing individuals who are doing incredible things in the industry. But there’s no denying that the tech bro culture is a real thing — and it’s something that needs to be addressed.

So, what can we do about it? Well, for starters, we can call out this behavior when we see it. We can make a conscious effort to hire more women and people of color in the tech industry, and we can work to create a more inclusive and empathetic workplace culture.

As for me, I’m going to keep an ear out for more discussions about tech bros — whether I’m at the gym in Barcelona or anywhere else in the world. Because it’s a topic that deserves our attention and our action.

Happy March 8th!



Digital Nomad in Product management

Product consultant in the tech industry who's traveling the world while working for great companies as a full-time employee or advisor.