What is Roadmap.sh?

Lost in Tech? Let’s talk, just you and me. Found yourself swimming in the tech ocean, trying to figure out which way is up? Yeah, me too. Enter roadmap.sh. But what is it, really?

Antonio Radu 🔹
7 min readNov 30, 2023

roadmap.sh: Your Tech Compass

Today, I Share My Best-Kept Secret

You know that feeling when you discover something so valuable, you almost want to keep it all to yourself? That’s how I felt about roadmap.sh.

Imagine having a clear, visual guide laying out exactly what you need to learn, step by step. That’s what roadmap.sh did for me. It’s a treasure trove, a community-powered platform offering roadmaps, guides, and articles, all tailored to help developers like us grow in our careers.

It’s not just about listing skills; it’s about understanding the journey. With roadmap.sh, I could see the bigger picture. I could visualize my path from where I was to where I wanted to be. Each step, each skill, each milestone was laid out in a way that made sense to me.

It’s straightforward, uncluttered, and honest. Here, amidst the chaos of endless information and buzzwords, you find clarity. The platform understands the hurdles you face — the overwhelming…



Antonio Radu 🔹

Welcome to my world of exploration and discovery! Join me on a journey of learning and growth as we explore fascinating ideas and insights together