remedies for glowing skin at home

Antony Sebastian
6 min readAug 30, 2022


The skin is our largest organ, and it needs a lot of care. It protects us from the sun’s rays, keeps us cool in hot weather, and prevents water loss in dry conditions. To maintain this vital organ in good condition we need to take care of it day-to-day. And if you want glowing skin then these are some simple remedies that can help you achieve that! We are given that below


Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect skin from sun damage. They also contain vitamin C and vitamin A — both essential for healthy skin. In addition to having a high amount of carotenoids, tomatoes also contain good amounts of potassium (which is necessary for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body) and iron (which helps develop red blood cells).

aloe vera

Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer, healer, and cleanser. It’s also an excellent exfoliator that can help remove dead skin cells from your face. The leaf juice from aloe vera contains antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body, which may help reduce inflammation in sensitive areas like the lips or elbows.

To use aloe vera for glowing skin:

Apply a small amount of aloe Vera gel onto your face after cleansing it using soap (or any other cleanser). Let dry for about five minutes before applying makeup if you’re wearing any foundation or eye makeup over it; otherwise, skip this step if you don’t want to leave streaks behind from washing off the dirt from your face first!


You can use cucumbers to treat your skin. Cucumber juice is an excellent cleanser, and it also makes a great face pack for dry skin. You can add several slices of cucumber to a glass of water, cover the glass with plastic wrap and leave it overnight on your face. The next day you will have soft and supple skin!

You can also make cucumbers into masks by mixing equal parts of grated cucumber with yogurt or milk (you can use any kind of milk). Apply the mixture on clean skin avoiding the eye area until it dries completely; then wash off gently with warm water after 15 minutes have passed since the application began — don’t let yourself get too hot during this time though because otherwise, you’ll end up getting burnt instead!


Pomegranates are a great fruit to have on hand for glowing skin. They’re high in antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation, which is the root cause of many skin conditions. Pomegranates also contain vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant that helps remove dead skin cells from your face. This will make your pores smaller and less prone to clogging up with dirt or oil — which makes you look younger!

Another benefit of pomegranate extract is that it may help improve dryness as well as age spots (that annoying uneven discoloration). A 2016 study found that pomegranate extracts could eliminate free radicals from the body’s cells by reducing oxidative stress caused by UV rays — allowing them to repair themselves more quickly than before.*


Avocados are rich in vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant that helps keep your skin looking young. They’re also used to treat skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. The acids in avocados can help lighten scars and stretch marks by reducing inflammation.

You can use avocado as part of your daily beauty routine: rub the flesh of avocado on your face after cleansing or before applying moisturizer; apply it as a mask by mixing two tablespoons with olive oil and letting it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water; mix one teaspoon honey with two teaspoons lemon juice (or lime juice), then add three tablespoons avocado slices — this will provide plenty of moisture without making you shiny or greasy

apple cider vinegar

Next on our list of home remedies for glowing skin is apple cider vinegar. This natural toner is an astringent and helps to tighten pores, remove oil and dirt from your skin, reduce acne, prevent new breakouts, and more!

To use: You can either add a few drops of ACV straight into your washcloth or spray it onto your face after washing it with warm water. You may want to do this several times throughout the day if you have oily or acne-prone skin (or both).


Turmeric is an Indian spice that’s been used for thousands of years to treat numerous ailments. It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help treat skin conditions like rosacea and eczema. It also reduces the appearance of scars and wrinkles by promoting collagen production in the body .

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties can be used in skincare products such as creams and lotions to reduce redness — even though it’s not a prescription medication, turmeric has been proven effective at reducing inflammation as well as acne breakouts . You don’t have to go out looking for creams or lotions with turmeric; you can make your DIY facial mask by mixing equal parts coconut oil with ground black pepper flakes for some extra kick! The best part about making your DIY facial mask? You know exactly what ingredients are going into each batch of product!

While there are many ways that turmeric could potentially benefit your skin health over time — from brightening up dull hair color to fighting off free radicals from oxidative stressors such as pollution particles — one thing we know for sure: if there were ever an ingredient capable of reversing signs associated with aging gracefully then this would be it!


Oats are a rich source of beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that helps reduce inflammation and improves skin elasticity. Oats contain more than 8 times more beta-glucan than any other grain or cereal.

Beta-glucan is also known as “beta-glucans’ ‘ or “beta glycans,” and it’s found in beans (as well as other Legumes), cabbage, onions, garlic, and Brussels sprouts. It’s been shown to prevent tumor growth by inhibiting cell proliferation within tumors; reducing blood sugar levels; lower cholesterol levels; aiding in weight loss; improving digestion; lower appetite by reducing hunger pangs after meals — and much more!

Oats have always been considered an excellent source of zinc because they contain high amounts of this mineral (about 20% by weight). Zinc plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones by helping build new ones while preventing osteoporosis — but it can also help keep your complexion looking youthful over time!

honey, lemon, and cinnamon

Mix honey, lemon, and cinnamon powder to make a paste. Apply the paste to your face, neck, and chest for 20 minutes then wash off with water. Repeat once a week for glowing skin!

Try these home remedies for healthy skin

You can make your skincare products with ingredients that are easy to find. You can also use store-bought products, but they may not be as effective or safe.

If you’re looking for a quick fix before hitting the links or hitting up the gym after work — or even just before bedtime — try using a facial mask once per week! They’re simple enough for anyone who loves taking care of their face; just mix some yogurt with cucumber slices and apply it evenly over clean skin while letting it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing off thoroughly with warm water

These are just some of the many remedies you can use to keep your skin healthy and glowing. Remember, the key is to eat a balanced diet, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, exercise regularly, stay hydrated by drinking water daily and make sure you get enough sleep each night!

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Antony Sebastian

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