📷 SydJS Jun 2019 — AWS Showcase

Anton Korzunov
4 min readJun 19, 2019


npm install

First of all — kudos for all the people who helped to run this meetup. And all the people who attened.

The First Talk

Modern Serverless Web Applications in Minutes Using the AWS Amplify Framework by Steven Ringo

AWS Amplify makes it easy for you to create, configure, and implement scalable mobile and web apps powered by AWS. Learn how you can rapidly build application backends and APIs using the Amplify toolchain and how the AWS Amplify Console provides a continuous deployment and hosting service for mobile and web applications.

The Second Talk

Apex serverless infrastructure on AWS Lambda by Cameron Batt

Apex lets you build, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease. With Apex you can use languages that are not natively supported by AWS Lambda, such as Golang, through the use of a Node.js shim injected into the build.

Some reasons for you to attend SydJS next time

