Feelings Are Never a Problem — Resistance to Them Is.

This is something I will continue to talk about, because this is life-changing when you see it. This can change the world.

Anton McCarthy
2 min readSep 25, 2023
Photo by Andi Rieger on Unsplash

Do you struggle with anxious feelings, stress or other emotions?

What causes a feeling to be a problem?

Resistance to it.

Resisting it.

Fearing it.

Believing it shouldn’t be happening.

Believing feelings are more than just energy, and are about you (they are not).

This is funny when you think about it:

We don’t resist happy feelings.

We just let them float through.

This is why feelings of joy sometimes don’t last very long.

That’s totally OK!

All feelings are perfectly safe. Where we run into issues is when we say that some AREN’T OK, and we don’t want to feel them.

It’s the pushing away that keeps them in place.

So what do do?

Feel every feeling without any resistance.

