The eBTC Foundation is Lying to it’s Investors

Gerard Antonucci
5 min readOct 24, 2017


As many people may know, eBTC promises to provide faster, smarter, and cheaper transactions of payment through the Ethereum blockchain but very few people know about the truth behind the project.

****WARNING- This article contains several images to show proof to the community in regards to the circumstances provided in this article****

The eBTC team receives absolutely zero compensation for the work that is being created for the project. This has caused several developers to bail out on the project within just the past few days. The teams structure is so out of whack and unstable that nearly every team member is running around clueless. After noticing this issue, I had decided to speak up: not just about the free labor that was being provided, but also about the poor foundation structure that was making absolutely no progress on achieving its roadmap.

To understand the situation a little more, let me introduce myself. My name is Gerard and I was an investor in eBTC who decided to join the team to help with strategic analysis and marketing. After getting involved in the project, I quickly noticed how unstable and unprofessional the advisory team was. For starters, this coin is supposedly a “community coin” but the community itself has been asking several unanswered questions from the staff team. These questions include “Who is the current owner of the contract?” , “What do we need to do during the token swap” (The token swap is in a week and no information has been released on how to swap), Who is on the development team?, Is the new contract real? (No proof has been released yet), is this the same team from the beginning? All of these are questions that have been unanswered for days.

While explaining the situation of poor structure, I had many members agreeing and also talking about the issue. Every team ranging from marketing to developers has several staff members with no leader in that specific category which causes chaos and non determination when it comes to completing a task for the foundation. Currently the team has over 58 marketers but only a very minuscule percentage of them actually converse to develop marketing strategies in the chat. Today on October 23rd, 2017 I was dismissed from the team after standing up for another former member who was defending my topic about the awful structure. (Pictures provided below)

Confirmation of removal by admin.
Conversation between contract owner IAMKAT
Proof of known issues within the eBTC community.
Team member agreeing with me on the structure issue who did NOT get removed from the team.
eBTC member being called cancer and being fired for agreeing with my argument.

While engaging in conversations with team members of the foundation, we were able to find back up files of the original telegram chat that discovered some extremely surprising information.

While exploring through the telegram back up we were able to find information revealing that the current contract owner IAMKAT has actually been the owner of the contract all along and that they told the team to “pretend that they just met today” here is a quick screenshot of the telegram back up showing the conversation.

Telegram backup file received through a script.

Now many of you may be saying “how do we know it’s real? This could be fabricated” “this is just an attempt to spread FUD” but we have the most shocking proof of all. An admin from the beginning of the project admitting to it happening.

While explaining to the admins that I have captured info about them blatantly lying to the community, the user and admin Zaki S said that it was a fabrication that we had made and then later admitted to it being an actual conversation while talking in the groups admin telegram chat.

And here is the proof that he admitted to the conversation actually happening.

Proof 1
Proof 2

In the pictures above you can clearly see that one of the admins lied yet again by saying that it was fake, fabricated FUD. However, he later admits that it was an actual conversation.

I want to finish off this article by providing you with a screens hotted messages between an admin named troy and the admins that fired me and many other staff members. This screenshot shows that many admins really were agreeing with my argument about poor structure. This message will also show that the current owner IAMKAT was suppose to step down the role as leader but later decided that they “didn’t want to anymore”

It’s unfortunate to see this project become so broken, immature, and irresponsible but due to the way many members of staff were treated including myself; I feel that the public community deserves to know just how unorganized, unfaithful, and untrustworthy this erc20 foundation is. My suggestion to you all is to not take the risk. Steer in the direction of tokens that are not afraid to reveal their team, answers the questions that the community provides, and reacts and responds professionally to both the community and the advisers of the team itself.



Gerard Antonucci

Crypto Marketer, Writer, and Data Collector. I love helping spread knowledge to the crypto community