The Art of Delegation — The Seven Levels of Empowered Relationships

Antony Nizamoglou
3 min readJun 14, 2023


Delegation is a powerful tool that enables leaders to distribute responsibility, foster growth, and drive organizational success.

However, many people mistakenly believe that delegation is a black and white process — either you delegate, or you don’t.

In reality, delegation operates on a spectrum, with varying levels of empowerment and involvement.

Let us dive into the seven levels of delegation, from “Tell” to “Delegate,” and explore how they can empower individuals and teams to achieve greatness.

Level 1: Tell — The Instructional Approach

At the most basic level, leaders simply tell their team members what needs to be done without seeking their input or involvement.

This level is suitable for routine tasks or urgent situations where immediate action is required.

However, it offers little room for creativity or growth.

Level 2: Sell — Building Understanding and Buy-in

At the “Sell” level, leaders provide instructions but also explain the reasoning behind their decisions. They aim to gain buy-in and commitment from their team members.

This approach fosters better understanding but still limits autonomy and innovation.

Level 3: Consult — Seeking Input and Collaboration

Moving up the delegation ladder, leaders at the “Consult” level actively seek input and feedback from their team members.

They value their perspectives and involve them in the decision-making process.

This level promotes collaboration and empowers individuals to contribute their expertise.

Level 4: Agree — Joint Decision-Making

At the “Agree” level, leaders and team members work together to reach consensus and make decisions collectively.

This level fosters a sense of ownership and shared responsibility, as everyone’s ideas and opinions are taken into account.

Level 5: Advise — Providing Guidance and Support

Leaders at the “Advise” level offer guidance, support, and recommendations to their team members. They trust their expertise and empower them to make decisions independently.

This level encourages personal growth and development.

Level 6: Inquire — Coaching and Mentoring

Taking a coaching approach, leaders at the “Inquire” level ask thought-provoking questions to help their team members explore solutions and possibilities.

They act as mentors, guiding individuals to find their own answers and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Level 7: Delegate — Full Empowerment

The highest level of delegation, “Delegate,” grants full autonomy and authority to team members. Leaders trust their capabilities and give them the freedom to take ownership of projects, make decisions, and be accountable for the outcomes.

This level nurtures innovation, growth, and a sense of empowerment.

Delegation is a balancing act, it depends on the maturity level of the team, the impact of their decisions, context, ability, and current state of the structures and systems within the organization.

Identifying where you can enable your people by influencing change around them will allow you to move one step closer to empowerment and higher level of delegation.

In your experience, what are some effective strategies for leaders to determine the appropriate level of delegation in different situations?

How has delegation positively impacted your own growth and the performance of your team?

Share your insights in the comments below!

