Antony Paulson ChazhoorinTowards Data ScienceA divine chanceExpectation vs Reality of my first job in the data domainNov 12, 2019Nov 12, 2019
Antony Paulson ChazhoorCan machines be taught to correctly distinguish between loans and credit cards ?Saving time is what machines do best. Imagine having the super power to find within seconds material in which you are interested, from…Aug 22, 2019Aug 22, 2019
Antony Paulson ChazhoorinTowards Data ScienceImage processing using scikit imageBreak through the fear and complexity of image analysisAug 22, 2019Aug 22, 2019
Antony Paulson ChazhoorinTowards Data ScienceTrees in data scienceNavigating through simple decision trees, bootstrapping/bagging and finally leading up to Random forestsJul 25, 2019Jul 25, 2019
Antony Paulson ChazhoorinTowards Data ScienceROC curve in machine learningA default setting within logistic regression models for binary classification is to classify all outcomes with a prediction probability of…Jul 8, 20191Jul 8, 20191
Antony Paulson ChazhoorinTowards Data ScienceBias, Variance, and RegularizationA dilemma that every budding data scientist faces is to come to terms with words like overfit, under fit, bias, variance and last but not…Jun 27, 2019Jun 27, 2019
Antony Paulson ChazhoorWhy Data Science and where to?Defining purpose with clarity is the single most important step towards building anything. Be it a career, a project, an investment or…Jun 7, 2019Jun 7, 2019
Antony Paulson ChazhoorUser ratings predictions for a Google Play store data setThe ability to use services and products on the go has been a major leap in this century. Applications on the Google play store aim to do…May 6, 2019May 6, 2019