Thank you. For avoidance of doubt, Mizrahim DNA has never been recorded above 30% Israelite in any extant source. The Mizrahim have on aggregate 300% more Peninsula Arab and/or Persian DNA than the Palestinians who have on aggregate >5% Peninisula Arab and/or Persian DNA.
The historical reasons for this will presumably not require an explanation.
The Palestinians are the sedentarized and direct descendants of the Israelites. In aggregate, a Palestinian of Palestinian descent has 85-93% Israelite DNA. My own DNA in 91.7 % Israelite. Only endogenous Samaritans reach higher percentiles, up to 94%.
Whilst the Mizrahim are the displaced and exiled descendants of the Israelites and/or Arab converts to Judaism, a group neglected but significant. Thus the minority Israelite DNA percentiles.



Antoun Ananias, D.Phil, M.Phil

Prize-winning author, Human Rights Advocate; the Advanced Studies Warburg Institute, London University; D.Phil, M.Phil classical history.