
This is a truly sad day, I recall when I was young leading a team in the peace corps in Lubnan (Jihad al-Binaa) to reconstruct after Zionist aggression and the Martyr (may his grave be filled with light) encouraged even me as a Palestinian to lead a team mixed of Shia, Sunni, Palestinians, Christians, as he wanted peace and fraternity then. There will be many days of mourning now. But the resistance is not one man nor even twenty men. Such crimes only harden resolve of all who believe in just victory over the aberrant Entity.



Antoun Ananias, D.Phil, M.Phil
Antoun Ananias, D.Phil, M.Phil

Written by Antoun Ananias, D.Phil, M.Phil

Prize-winning author, Human Rights Advocate; the Advanced Studies Warburg Institute, London University; D.Phil, M.Phil classical history.

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