World Mental Health Day


~by Tanu Singh

World Mental Health Day (10 October) is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. This day, each October, thousands of supporters come to celebrate this annual awareness program to bring attention to mental illness and its major effects on peoples’ lives worldwide and it was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in more than 150 countries.

The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health and it provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what. more needs to be done to mental health care a reality for people world. The COVID-19 pandemic alone caused a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. It created “a global crisis for mental health,” according to the WHO, while services, skills and funding for mental health “remain in short supply, and fall far below what is needed, especially in low and middle-income countries,” it adds that as well as anxiety and depression caused by the pandemic, the WHO says growing social and economic inequalities, protracted conflicts, violence and public health emergencies affecting whole populations are threatening progress towards improved wellbeing.


The theme for World Mental Health Day 2022 is ‘Make mental health for all a global priority and its aim is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health and as the understanding of mental health grows, we grow along with it. Our self-awareness and sensitivity towards it have changed things for the better. Our language surrounding mental health has improved as words like “crazy” and “lunatic” are used less flippantly and we come to better understand that they can be unintentionally hurtful and stigmatizing. While we’ve learned a lot, there’s still so much more we can do to evolve as a society, And World Mental Health Day 2022 on 10 October is a chance to “rekindle our efforts to protect and improve mental health,” says the World Health Organization (WHO).


In 1992, the World Federation of Mental Health led by the deputy secretary-general at the time, Richard Hunter, created World Mental Health Day. The world had a host of mental health issues that weren’t properly being treated and the WFMH knew that they needed to act on a global scale to solve a global crisis and the first World Mental Health Day theme was ‘Improving the Quality of Mental Health Services throughout the World’ in 1994. 27 countries sent feedback reports after the campaign and there were national campaigns in Australia and England. Continuing this momentum, WFMH board members across the globe arranged events in accordance with the day and its growing popularity among government departments, organizations, and civilians alike and the themes for World Mental Health Day expanded along with the times.

Women, children, health, conversation, and today, the average citizen is more knowledgeable in regards to mental health.

World Mental Health Day: Significance

It is observed with the need to eliminate the stigma and advance awareness and treatment of mental illness has never been greater and this day reminds you that whatever you’re going through, you’re not alone. It reminds you that you can overcome your own pain and Mental Health Day serves as a reminder that it is equally important to nurture mental health as it is to nurture physical health and as responsible citizens of the society, we need to understand the World Mental Health Day importance and encourage de-stigmatization of mental health issues. World Mental Health Day plays a significant role in mobilizing efforts towards mental health awareness on a global level. The day will be an opportunity for people from different sections of society, whether dealing with mental health conditions or advocating the cause, governments, stakeholders, individuals and everyone in between, to come together. The day will help recognize all the progress in this field throughout the years and be vocal about what we need to do to make mental health a global priority for everyone.

Making mental health priority-

Mental health can affect an individual’s thoughts, behaviours, and feelings. It has been observed that depression has a strong effect on the body than any physical injury. Even science has proved this in various studies. Anything holding the capability to disturb an individual’s routine and potential to achieve things in life is not worth it. Our body, mind, and spirit depend on our mental stability. If not taken proper care, it can affect career and physical health. To make yourself a priority with chaos in the head is a challenging task but aren’t we good at slaying weird situations? Letting a situation control your life performance makes no sense and will make no difference to the people around you. Your skills need to be polished, your career needs a ladder, and your well-being needs a break from everything.


Mental health problems can have a wide range of causes. It’s likely that for many people there is a complicated combination of factors — although different people may be more deeply affected by certain things than others.

  • childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect
  • experiencing discrimination and stigma, including racism and unemployment or losing your job
  • domestic violence, bullying or other abuse as an adult
  • significant trauma as an adult, such as military combat, being involved in a serious incident in which you feared for your life, or being the victim of a violent crime
  • physical causes — for example, a head injury or a neurological condition such as epilepsy can have an impact on your behaviour and mood.
  • Although the development of some mental health problems may be influenced by our genes, researchers haven’t found any specific genes that definitely cause mental health problems.

Mental Health Awareness — Symptoms & Signs-

Emotions, beliefs, and behaviours can all be affected by signs of mental illness. The symptoms of mental illness might vary depending on the diagnosis, surroundings, and other factors like work timings, family expectations, and so on. The following are some examples that need to be taken care of:

▪ Feeling sad or let down.

▪ Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate.

▪ Excessive anxieties or fears, as well as severe guilt.

▪ Extreme mood changes from highs to lows.

▪ Withdrawal from friends and activities.

▪ Confusion in thoughts or a loss of concentration.

▪ Excessive anxieties or fears, as well as severe guilt sentiments.

▪ Extreme mood swings with extreme highs and lows.

▪ Insomnia, lack of concentration.

▪ Having difficulty comprehending and responding to situations and people

Ways to Prevent Mental Illness-

Taking care of your mental health is a vital component of being fit and healthy. There are numerous things you may do to safeguard your mental health:

mental health:

Get lots of Rest

Sleep is critical for our physical and mental wellbeing; it aids in regulating information transmitting substances in our brain. These chemicals are important in the regulation of our feelings and emotions.


Treat yourself with care and respect, and refrain from self-criticism. Make time for your favourite projects and interests or widen your horizons. Invest in yourself by going on a walk, listening to music, planting a garden, taking dance lessons, learning to play an instrument, or becoming fluent in another language- the sky is the limit, and we mean it!

Seek Help

In today’s demanding lives, mental health is a concern that cannot be overlooked. Seeking assistance is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness. It’s also vital to realize the importance of positive therapies.

Be ready to Forgive

When you refuse to forgive, you put yourself under mental strain. Grudges are detrimental to one’s mood in every way. Allowing forgiveness into your life makes you feel good and great!

Follow a Schedule

Maintain a consistent schedule as much as possible while preserving a good mix of work, play, and family time. A daily timetable might help you focus on day-to-day tasks with new energies.

Calm your Thoughts

Try meditating, mindfulness, and/or prayer to calm your thoughts. Relaxation exercises and prayer might help you feel better about yourself and your life.

What does the data say about Mental Health?

I believe most of us are either unaware or are living in denial of the grim reality about the extent of mental illnesses. The numbers are staggering. Let us look at the numbers of the world first.

• Before the pandemic in 2019 an estimated one in eight people globally were living with a mental disorder.

• Estimates put the rise in both anxiety and depressive disorders at more than

25% during the first year of the pandemic. At the same time, mental health services have been severely disrupted and the treatment gap for mental health conditions has widened. At the same time, the services, skills and funding available for mental health remain in short supply, and fall far below what is needed, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

• An estimated 703,000 people die by suicide worldwide each year

• In India, on an average, 418 people died by suicide every day in 2020. A total of 1,53,052 suicide cases. This puts the estimated count of attempted suicide at 30,61,040.

  • 29 crore Indians are dependent users of alcohol, 25 lakhs are dependent on cannabis, 28 lakhs on opioid, 10 lakhs on cocaine, 18 lakhs on amphetamine, 12 lakhs on hallucinogens, and there are 7 lakh children dependent on inhalants.


Some of the events that can help in spreading awareness about the mental health are:


Organize a company-wide townhall involving employees across functions and locations and the townhall’s objective should be to acknowledge the mental health risks and challenges in your business or industry and discuss how the company plans to ensure better well-being for its people. The townhall also provides a platform for people (especially leaders) to share their own mental health struggles or journeys with others.

Expert-led workshops

Another way to observe World Mental Health Day is to rope in mental health experts, such as psychologists or psychiatrists, to speak to employees. Experts can provide your people the tools to identify the signs of mental distress and seek (or provide) support for the same.

Wellness retreats

A wellness retreat is basically an offsite activity where teams participate in wellness-related activities like mindfulness, yoga, art therapy, or games. Consider taking your team to a scenic outdoor location where people are likely to feel more relaxed and participate whole-heartedly.

Outreach activities

Activities don’t need to be restricted but we should consider extending your mental health programme to other stakeholders, such as your employees’ families, your vendors, blue-collar staff, customers, local communities, etc. Roping these groups into your World Mental Health Day celebrations ensures that you remain focused on the well-being of your overall ecosystem, and not just your fulltime staff.

In addition to the above ideas, you can devise your own ways of observing World Mental Health Day such as panel discussions, sensitization programmes,marches or vigils, events involving employees and their families, team lunches, etc. As the world unites in support of better mental health for all.

