How Many Interlock Violations Can You Have

3 min readOct 6, 2023

In recent years, ignition interlock devices (IIDs) have become a common feature in vehicles, especially for individuals with a history of driving under the influence (DUI) offenses. While these devices are effective tools for promoting road safety, it’s essential for users to understand the rules and consequences associated with them. One critical question that often arises is, “How many interlock violations can you have?” In this blog post, we’ll explore the answer to this question and shed light on the implications of interlock violations.

Understanding Ignition Interlock Devices:

Before delving into the specifics of interlock violations, let’s briefly understand what ignition interlock devices are and why they are used.

What is an Ignition Interlock Device?

An ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer installed in a vehicle to prevent it from starting if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeds a pre-set limit. These devices are often mandated for individuals with DUI convictions as a preventive measure to curb drunk driving incidents.

Purpose of Ignition Interlock Devices:

The primary purpose of IIDs is to ensure the safety of both the driver and others on the road by preventing individuals from operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. They serve as a deterrent and a tool for rehabilitation, allowing individuals with DUI convictions to regain driving privileges while maintaining a commitment to sober driving.

How Many Interlock Violations Can You Have?

The specific rules regarding interlock violations can vary based on jurisdiction and the terms of an individual’s court order or probation. Generally, interlock violations can occur when the following situations occur:

1. Failed BAC Tests:
If a driver attempts to start the vehicle, and the IID detects a BAC above the pre-set limit, it registers as a failed test. The number of failed tests tolerated can vary, but even a single failure can have consequences.

2. Missed or Late Tests:
Drivers are typically required to take random rolling retests while driving. Missing or failing to take these tests within the specified time frame can be considered a violation.

3. Tampering or Circumventing the Device:
Any attempts to tamper with or circumvent the IID are severe violations. This includes actions such as having someone else blow into the device or attempting to disconnect it.

Consequences of Interlock Violations:

The consequences of interlock violations can be significant and may include:

1. Extended IID Requirement:
Multiple violations may result in an extension of the period during which the individual is required to have the IID installed in their vehicle.

2. License Suspension:
Serious or repeated violations can lead to the suspension of the individual’s driver’s license.

3. Legal Penalties:
Violations may result in additional legal penalties, fines, or even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense.

4. Termination of Probation:
Individuals on probation may face probation violations, which can lead to additional consequences.

5. Vehicle Impoundment:
Some jurisdictions have the authority to impound the vehicle of an individual who repeatedly violates IID requirements.

Tips to Avoid Interlock Violations:

To avoid the consequences associated with interlock violations, individuals subject to IID requirements should consider the following tips:

1. Follow Program Guidelines:
Adhere to the guidelines and requirements set by the IID program and the court. This includes attending any required training sessions and maintenance appointments.

2. Stay Informed:
Understand the specific rules and expectations regarding IID use in your jurisdiction. Knowledge is crucial to compliance.

3. Regular Calibration:
Ensure that the IID is calibrated regularly, as specified by the program. Failure to calibrate the device can lead to false readings and potential violations.

4. Avoid Alcohol Consumption:
The most straightforward way to prevent violations is to avoid alcohol consumption altogether when using a vehicle equipped with an IID.


In conclusion, understanding how many interlock violations you can have is critical for individuals mandated to use ignition interlock devices. Compliance with program rules and regulations, coupled with responsible driving habits, is key to avoiding the consequences associated with violations. Ignition interlock devices, when used correctly, play a crucial role in promoting road safety and supporting the rehabilitation of individuals with DUI convictions.

For more in-depth guidance and tips see — How Many Interlock Violations Can You Have ? As we navigate the roads, let’s prioritize safe and responsible driving, recognizing the importance of adherence to IID requirements and the role each individual plays in creating a safer driving environment for all.

