Shopify App Development: What’s Hot, What’s Not, and What You Need to Know

Anuj Tomar
5 min readJun 13, 2024


In the rapidly evolving world of ecommerce, Shopify has emerged as a dominant force, powering over 1.7 million businesses worldwide and processing over $200 billion in sales. As the platform continues to grow, so too does the demand for innovative and engaging Shopify apps. In 2023, the Shopify App Store boasted over 7,000 apps, a testament to the platform’s thriving ecosystem and the creativity of its developer community.

However, with so many apps available, it can be challenging for developers to stay ahead of the curve and identify the latest trends and best practices. In this article, we’ll explore the current state of Shopify app development, highlighting the hottest trends, the declining fads, and the essential knowledge every developer needs to succeed in this dynamic market.

One of the most significant trends in Shopify app development is the growing importance of mobile optimization. With over 70% of Shopify traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial for apps to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience on smaller screens.

Developers are increasingly focusing on responsive design, optimized checkout flows, and mobile-friendly features to cater to this mobile-first audience.

Another notable trend is the rise of headless commerce, which decouples the front-end presentation layer from the back-end functionality. This approach allows for greater flexibility, faster development cycles, and the ability to create unique and personalized shopping experiences. As more businesses seek to differentiate themselves in a crowded market, headless commerce is becoming an increasingly popular choice for Shopify app developers.

In contrast, some trends are starting to lose their luster. For example, the once-popular practice of building apps that replicate core Shopify functionality is becoming less viable as the platform continues to expand its native features. Developers need to be more strategic in identifying gaps in the market and creating apps that offer unique value propositions.

In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into the specific trends, challenges, and opportunities that are shaping the future of Shopify app development. By understanding these key insights, developers can position themselves for success in this rapidly growing market.

Trends That Are Here to Stay

1. Mobile Optimization

With over 70% of Shopify traffic coming from mobile devices, it is crucial for apps to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience on smaller screens. Developers are increasingly focusing on responsive design, optimized checkout flows, and mobile-friendly features to cater to this mobile-first audience.

This trend is driven by the fact that mobile orders are happening three out of four times, as pointed out by senior ecommerce consultant Kurt Elster. To stay ahead of the competition, developers need to ensure that their apps are optimized for mobile devices.

2. Headless Commerce

Headless commerce, which decouples the front-end presentation layer from the back-end functionality, is becoming increasingly popular. This approach allows for greater flexibility, faster development cycles, and the ability to create unique and personalized shopping experiences. As more businesses seek to differentiate themselves in a crowded market, headless commerce is becoming an essential tool for Shopify app developers.

3. Performance Optimization

Performance has been an ongoing trend in the Shopify ecosystem for a while. Much of the emphasis so far has been on front-end performance, calling on apps to have as little impact on a customer’s browsing experience of the storefront as possible.

This trend is driven by the need for fast and seamless user experiences, which are critical for conversions and customer satisfaction. Developers need to optimize both front-end and back-end performance to ensure that their apps are efficient and scalable.

4. Accessibility

Accessibility is becoming a table stake for merchants to provide a smooth experience. Shopify is emphasizing the importance of accessibility, and developers need to shift accessibility left in the product workflow to avoid creating access barriers in production and costly sprints to retrofit. Accessibility is about progress, not perfection, and developers need to start and keep improving over time.

Trends That Are Declining

1. Replicating Core Shopify Functionality

The once-popular practice of building apps that replicate core Shopify functionality is becoming less viable as the platform continues to expand its native features. Developers need to be more strategic in identifying gaps in the market and creating apps that offer unique value propositions.

2. Overemphasis on Design

While design is crucial for user experience, overemphasizing it can lead to neglect of other essential aspects such as performance, accessibility, and functionality. Developers need to strike a balance between design and functionality to create apps that are both visually appealing and efficient.

Essential Knowledge for Shopify App Developers

1. Communication

Effective communication is critical during the development process. Developers need to ensure that everyone involved in creating the app is clear about who needs what from whom at all times, so there aren’t any surprises down the line.

2. Time Management

Developers need to consider the time it will take to create the app. Checking the time process can be a big factor since you may not have as much time as you’d like to get things done. This includes planning, designing, and testing the app to ensure that it meets the merchant’s needs and is delivered on time and within budget.

3. Understanding the Target Market

Developers need to understand their target market and the challenges they face every day. This includes identifying the pain points that the app can solve and creating a solution that is tailored to the merchant’s needs.


Shopify mobile app development services is a dynamic and ever-changing field. To stay ahead of the competition, developers need to stay informed about the latest trends, best practices, and industry standards. By focusing on mobile optimization, headless commerce, performance optimization, and accessibility, developers can create apps that are both visually appealing and efficient.

On the other hand, replicating core Shopify functionality and overemphasizing design are trends that are declining in importance. By understanding the essential knowledge for Shopify app developers, including communication, time management, and understanding the target market, developers can create apps that meet the evolving needs of merchants and customers.



Anuj Tomar

I'm a Marketer passionate about affiliate marketing, self-improvement. I also write about Healthy Lifestyle, and whatever else catches my attention.