Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA): A Comprehensive Guide to Advanced Time Series Forecasting

Anuj Chavan
5 min readMar 2, 2023


Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models are advanced statistical models used for time series forecasting. ARIMA models are widely used in finance, economics, and other fields to predict future values of time-dependent data. If you haven’t already, be sure to read my previous articles on Moving Average (MA) and Autoregressive (AR) models, as they provide a solid foundation for understanding ARIMA. In this article, we’ll dive into what ARIMA models are, where they are used, how they work, and their pros and cons. We’ll also cover how to implement ARIMA models in Python.

What is ARIMA?

ARIMA stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average. ARIMA models are a type of statistical model that is used for time series analysis and forecasting. They are a combination of three components: Autoregression (AR), Integrated (I), and Moving Average (MA). The ARIMA model is a generalized form of the AR and MA models, and it can be used to model time series data that exhibit non-stationary behaviour.

The mathematical formula for ARIMA(p,d,q)

(1-φ1B-φ2B²-…-φpB^p) (1-B)^d Yt = c + (1+θ1B+θ2B²+…+θqB^q) εt


  • Yt represents the time series data at time t.
  • B is the backshift operator, which shifts the data backwards by one-time step.
  • φ1, φ2, …, φp are the autoregressive coefficients.
  • θ1, θ2, …, θq are the moving average coefficients.
  • εt represents the error term at time t.
  • c is a constant term.
  • d is the degree of differencing.

The ARIMA model aims to capture the relationship between the dependent variable and its past values, as well as any underlying patterns or trends. The autoregressive component (AR) models the relationship between the dependent variable and its past values, while the moving average component (MA) models the relationship between the dependent variable and the past forecast errors. The differencing component (I) is used to transform non-stationary time series data into stationary data that can be modelled using AR and MA.

The choice of p, d, and q values in ARIMA is crucial for the model’s accuracy in forecasting. The p-value represents the order of the autoregressive component, while the q-value represents the order of the moving average component. The d-value represents the degree of differencing required to transform non-stationary data into stationary data. These values can be determined using methods such as autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) plots, as well as information criteria such as the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC).

Where is ARIMA used?

ARIMA models are widely used in finance, economics, weather forecasting, and other fields for time series forecasting. They can be used to make predictions about stock prices, economic indicators, weather patterns, and more. ARIMA models are also used in data analysis and statistical modelling to identify trends and patterns in time series data.

How is ARIMA used?

ARIMA models are used to model time series data by identifying the underlying structure of the data and using it to make predictions about future trends. The ARIMA model has three components: Autoregression (AR), Moving Average (MA), and Integration (I). The AR component of the model uses past values of the time series data to predict future values. The MA component uses past prediction errors to improve the accuracy of the forecast. The I component is used to transform non-stationary time series data into stationary data that can be modelled using AR and MA.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ARIMA


  • ARIMA models can capture complex patterns in time series data and make accurate predictions about future trends.
  • ARIMA models can be used to model both stationary and non-stationary time series data.
  • ARIMA models are widely used in finance, economics, and other fields for forecasting.


  • ARIMA models can be complex and difficult to understand.
  • ARIMA models can be sensitive to outliers and extreme values in the data.
  • ARIMA models require a significant amount of data to make accurate predictions.

How to implement ARIMA in Python:

ARIMA models can be implemented in Python using the statsmodels library. Here’s an example code snippet for implementing ARIMA in Python:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA

# Generate random data
data = np.random.rand(365)

# Fit ARIMA model
model = ARIMA(data, order=(2, 1, 1))
model_fit =

# Make predictions
predictions = model_fit.predict(start=365, end=400)

# Plot actual vs. predicted data
plt.plot(range(365), data, label='Actual')
plt.plot(range(365, 401), predictions, label='Predicted')

In this example, we generate a year’s worth of random data using NumPy’s random.rand() function. We then fit an ARIMA model with an order (2, 1, 1) to the data. This means we're using an autoregressive model of order 2, a differencing of order 1, and a moving average model of order 1.

We then make predictions for the next 36 time steps (i.e. from day 365 to day 400) and plot the actual data and the predicted data using matplotlib.

Keep in mind that this is just a simple example, and real-world data may require more preprocessing and tuning of the ARIMA model parameters.


Time series analysis is an essential tool for forecasting future trends based on historical data. Autoregressive (AR), Moving Average (MA), and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models are widely used for modelling time series data. However, these models may not be suitable for time series data that exhibit seasonal patterns. Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) models are an extension of ARIMA models that can handle time series data with seasonal patterns.

SARIMA models incorporate the same components as ARIMA models, but they also include seasonal components to capture seasonal trends in the data. These seasonal components consist of a seasonal autoregressive (SAR) term, a seasonal difference (d), and a seasonal moving average (SMA) term.

SARIMA models are commonly used in industries such as retail, tourism, and agriculture, where seasonal patterns are prevalent. They can also be used in finance and economics for forecasting seasonal fluctuations in stock prices, exchange rates, and economic indicators.

If you want to learn more about SARIMA models and how they can be used for time series forecasting, be sure to check out my upcoming article on the topic. And if you haven’t already, be sure to read my previous articles on Moving Average (MA), Autoregressive (AR), and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models for a comprehensive introduction to time series analysis.

Thank you for reading!



Anuj Chavan

Data Scientist with 2 years in Demand Forecast. Former Quant Trader in Derivatives. Pursuing MSc in Financial Engineering, with an MSc in Marine Engineering