Creating custom data generator for training Deep Learning Models-Part 1

Anuj shah (Exploring Neurons)
6 min readJul 9, 2019


This series will tell you how you can create your own data generator function for training deep learning models. Using a data generator to load data is imperative while training deep learning models as we need a large dataset to train good models, and large datasets require large memory space, which can be a bottleneck and this is where generator functions come to our rescue. Writing your own generator function to load the data is not that tough but it can be quite cumbersome if you are not very clear conceptually. This post tries to elucidate step by step, how you can achieve this and will give you a clear understanding of how you can do this for different kinds of inputs to be fed into the network.

Note: Although I will use Keras in this series to show you how to load the data created through our generator functions but this concept to create a generator function can be used to load data to any other libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.

This series goes as follows:

  1. What are generator functions in Python and the difference between yield and return.
  2. Writing a generator function to read your data that can be fed for training an image classifier in Keras.
  3. Creating different generators to read different kinds of inputs (sequence of inputs, multiple inputs) for training the NN model in Keras.

Chapter -1: What are a generator functions in Python and the difference between yield and return

I have followed a number of sources online to understand and write this post, I will give the references and credits as I go, or at the end, and if I missed any, kindly let me know and I will add it.

Let’s get started by first understanding what a generator function is and how it works. This will also elucidate the difference between yield and return keywords-

Let’s say you and your friends go to a restaurant and order some starters, main courses, soups, and desserts. we have two waiters — a normal Python function and a generator function.

what happens next?

waiter-1-normal python function

waiter-1 gets everything all at once and puts it on your table, this may fill up all the space on our table and it may be difficult for you to eat.

waiter-1 (normal function ) gets everything all at once

waiter-2 generator function

waiter-2 gets your order too but it does so one by one, It fetches you the first order and then the next and then the next and so on, it remembers which dishes have been served and always fetches the next one.

waiter-2 (generator function) gets your order one by one.

I hope you got the gist of it and now let's get technical — Let's say we have to write a function that takes a list of numbers as input and returns the square of every element. Let’s write using a normal function

It's a simple function, a list result is created inside the function which holds the square of every element and gets returned at the end.

Let's write a generator function for the same logic

Now if we observe the generator function, it does not require any list to store the result and the return keyword is replaced by the yield keyword.

Now let's call this generator function and see what it prints

<generator object square_generator at 0x0000000008B82990>

it prints that square gen is a generator object of the square generator. In order to get the output from the generator function we can use python built-in iterator — the next keyword

to get the first element

result: 1

to get the second element you use the next again

result: 4

and similarly the third element and so on..

you can also put this in a loop:

result: 1
result: 4
result: 9
result: 16
result: 25
result: 36

Now if you observe carefully I reinitialize the generator object or else it would have printed from the third result onward as we already called the next function twice previously and the generator resumes the operation from where it has left.

Let's run the loop more times than there is the element in the input data.

The output we get is

result: 1
result: 4
result: 9
result: 16
result: 25
result: 36
Traceback (most recent call last):

File “<ipython-input-27-a3bcf4dd17d3>”, line 3, in <module>
square_num = next(square_gen)


As there are only 6 elements in input data, after printing 6 outputs, it stops giving a StopIteration error. we can put this in a try-except block to catch the error and we can either stop it or reinitialize it to loop again by defining some logic.

Now that we have seen the example

Let’s understand the difference between normal and generator function, return and yield keywords.

In the generator function, there is a yield keyword rather than a return. And now we can define the generator function as —

“A generator function is defined like a normal function, but whenever it needs to generate a value, it does so with the yield keyword rather than return. If the body of a def contains yield, the function automatically becomes a generator function.”

“Generator are functions that yield result, suspend the operation and then resume the operation.”

Let's highlight some more points :

1. Return sends a specified value back to its caller whereas Yield can produce a sequence of values.

2. Return basically exits from a function with a value and the local values within it is destroyed whereas yield is sort of exiting from the function but it remembers the state when it exits. When you do next from your function, it will resume from the point where it yielded.

3.The yield statement suspends function’s execution and sends a value back to caller, but retains enough state to enable function to resume where it is left off. When resumed, the function continues execution immediately after the last yield run. This allows its code to produce a series of values over time, rather them computing them all at once and sending them back like a list.

4. We should use yield when we want to iterate over a sequence, but don’t want to store the entire sequence in memory.

This video by Corey Schafer further elucidates the concept very clearly — Python Tutorial: Generators — How to use them and the benefits you receive.

The image below illustrates the memory usage when using normal function vs using a data generator for training a neural network :

memory usage- left: 94% and increasing when using normal function; right: 44% when using generator function


Corey Schafer — Python Tutorial: Generators — How to use them and the benefits you receive

GeeksforGeeks —

GeeksforGeeks —

I hope this post makes you understand, what a generator function is and its importance especially when we need to load or use a large amount of data. In the next post, we will use them to generate data to be fed into Neural networks for training an image classifier and you can appreciate them in action.

Till then, Keep Learning!! Keep Exploring Neurons!!!!

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