What is our Past? Do we know it at all? The Great Flood — Debunked!

Anujeet Chatterjee
11 min readApr 4, 2020


“Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go, when we die?”, a famous line from my favourite song — “The Spirit Carries On”, by Dream Theater.

Imagine waking up one day and not knowing anything from your past, having dim memories of people, events, thoughts but not really knowing what they all mean, or how to stitch them together.

An awesome illustration from here.

Disclaimer: This article is NOT an Ancient Aliens article. The contents are purely based on scientific evidences and hypotheses.

This article will take you in a different direction into the past. Today, the human race is very tentative — there’s not much we know about our past. How do we build our future then?

There are discoveries being made all the time — scientific discoveries — which tell us exactly how little we know about our past.

This article will run you through:

  • The Flood Myth — is it a “Myth” at all?
  • The Lost Human Civilisation — known to be much more technologically advanced than what we are today.
  • The Ancient Global Civilisation.
  • and a Bonus Fact to boggle your mind! — Stay Tuned!

The Great Flood!

It is very evident that after the story of genesis, there comes the story which creates a worldwide impact — The Great Flood!

The Christians know it as the “Noah’s Ark” story, the Hindus know it as the “Matysa Avatar” (The first of the 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu) story, The Quran mentions the flood in the story of Nuh (Noah), even the first known human civilisation, the Sumerian Civilisation, has the Epic of Gilgamesh, which tells us about the Babylonian flood and, further, in over 2000 cultures of the world including the Mesopotamian flood stories, Deucalion and Pyrrha in Greek mythology, the Genesis flood narrative, Pralaya in Hinduism, the Gun-Yu in Chinese mythology, Bergelmir in Norse mythology, in the arrival of the first inhabitants of Ireland with Cessair, in Irish mythology, in the lore of the K’iche’ and Mayan in Mesoamerica, the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa tribe of Native Americans in North America, the Muisca, and Cañari Confederation, in South America, Africa, and some Aboriginal tribes in Australia.

In short, the common story is thus:

  • One of the Supreme Gods (in all cultures) was angry with the sinful acts of humans, thus he decided to wipe out humanity from the world.
  • One of those Gods grew compassionate to humans and warned one human (The Flood Hero) about the flood that was about to come — Flood Heroes: Noah in the Bible, Nuh in the Quran, Manu in the Matsya Purana, Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh and so on.
  • The Flood Hero was asked to build a boat and collect all the grains, animals, humans and birds in it, before the flood.
  • Then the flood came, yet life was saved.
Just an Awesome illustration.

So, the question is, since the flood myth has mentions in so many places and in the very same way, is it still a “Myth”? Worldwide, ancestors passed on the same story. Even though, after years of searching, Noah’s Ark was never found. Does that mean they were lying? We simply cannot deny the happening of an event, just because we didn’t find enough evidence — maybe we didn’t search enough!

Recently, in Greenland, ice core samples were taken and an anomaly was found dating back to ~ 12,900 YB2K (Years before 2000 AD). Scientists reported a hundred fold spike in the concentration of platinum. It was hypothesised that this unnatural amount of platinum is extraterrestrial.

Incidentally, Greenland, supposedly, has a crater dating back to the same, ~12,900 YB2K. During that time, the Younger Dryas Catastrophe is known to have happened.

The Younger Dryas Hypothesis

The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis posits that fragments of a large (more than 4 KM in diameter), disintegrating asteroid, or comet, struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia about 12,900 YB2K.

The Younger Dryas Boundary Impact Field.

It is hypothesised that this impact event brought about the extinction of many species of North American Pleistocene megafauna (camels, mammoths, the giant short-faced bear and numerous other species [You might have seen their depiction in the Disney’s Ice Age series of movies.]).

Disney’s Ice Age series of movies — showing the Pleistocene Megafauna.

This impact was known to have caused a global flood… why?

That was the time when the Ice Age just ended. It was a period of Global Warming. But when the comet fragments hit us, it melted a lot of ice caps suddenly, consequently rising the sea levels abruptly.

But it doesn't end here. Due to the impact, the air was filled with debris and ashes — therefore, sunlight and the heat from the Sun was blocked causing a 1000 year long winter, as cold as the Ice Age.

The Greenland Ice core Temperature & Accumulation Data.

So yes, there was a flood. But the old texts also talk about a life before the flood, right? And the older scripts of Hindu mythology with stories dating even before 8,000 BC (10,000 YB2K) tell us a different story of human beings. That was the era of Gods.

Who were we back then? Or were we “we” at all?

The Big Question: How did they know there was going to be a flood?

Did they have enough Astronomical knowledge and equipment to foresee the approaching Asteroid well in time, so that they could prepare for the upcoming apocalypse?

The Lost Human Civilisation

Another Human Species?

In 2008, Michael Shunkov and, other Russian archaeologists, investigated the Denisova Cave in south-central Siberia, Russia and found the finger bone of a juvenile female hominin, originally dated to 50,000–30,000 years ago. The estimate was changed to 76,200–51,600 years ago.

Greek archaeologists, in 2019, conducted radiocarbon dating specimens from the Cave and estimated that Denisova 2 (the oldest specimen) lived 195,000–122,700 years ago. Older Denisovan DNA collected dates to 217,000 years ago.

The evolution and geographic spread of Denisovans.

All this information, the fact that there was another Human species, was known as recently as 2009.

Could they be the Supreme Beings referred in ancient texts? We have mentions of Giants, Rakshasas, Asuras, Demons, Devas and other beings of enormous sizes in texts of older religions, like Hinduism. Did they really exist or were they just figments of our ancestors’ imagination?

In the Denisova Cave, another finding was a tooth, 2.5 times bigger than the human tooth. It was thought that it belonged to some other animal, but DNA testing showed that it belonged to a species of humans we weren’t aware of. This was another contributing factor to the discovery of Denisovans, apart from the finger bone.

Denisovan’s molar compared to a Homo Sapien’s molar

Could the Denisovans be the Giants mentioned in Ancient texts?

Another finding, from the cave, was this bracelet:

Focus on that small hole at the side of the bracelet which is one millimeter in diameter — very small, very fine. The scientists, who ran physical tests on this hole, say how it could have been made, and I quote from the report:

“…it could have been made only using a double-sided high-speed drill, otherwise the stone would have shattered.”

A high-speed drill, that too double-sided, 30,000 years ago?

The Big Question:

Did the Younger Dryas Catastrophe wipe out the most intelligent human species and their technology with it?

The Global Civilisation

When we’re asked to think of ancient monuments, most of us think of The Great Pyramids of Egypt. But, then we realise, the Great Pyramids are not the only ancient structures and, in fact, there are a lot of them in the whole world. Interestingly, we find mind blowing similarities in the pyramids all around the world. Pyramids have been found throughout 5 continents in the world having impossible similarities.

The spread culture of building pyramids.

But, the most interesting of the facts, is that the step pyramids of Mexico, North America, and Cambodia, South-East Asia, have unexplainable similarities.

Pyramids of Cambodia and Mexico.

Not just Pyramids, but also structures as simple as walls: How were the accurate polygonal stones cut, to put up as a jig-saw puzzle, to make walls in those ancient times, with no modern tools, is unexplained.

Walls in Peru.

But again, its not just Peru! We find similar walls all across the world!

Walls in Greece, Turkey and Italy. Source.
Walls in Egypt and Japan. Source.

How did they know the science, or have the technology, to cut stone with so much precision, which even us, as modern day humans, with our modern technology, struggle to do till date! We, in 2020, will not be able to build the Great Pyramids of Egypt, even if we wanted to, with the tools and technology available to us!

But then, not just structural similarities, but cultural similarities were also found recently, when looking at sarcophagus lids in different parts of the world.

Sarcophagus lids in Egypt and Japan.

The same Trapezoidal shape, with cuboidal bars coming out from each of the sides. Egypt and Japan were worlds apart in ancient times — so much that even cultural inheritance wasn’t possible and still remains far from possible.

From Art forms, sculptures, representation of Gods…

Sculptural and Cultural similarities.

…to golden funeral masks…

Gold Funeral Masks.

…and a weird association of serpents on foreheads of the Gods.

Serpent(s) on foreheads of the Gods.

Isn’t this enough to know that our ancestors weren’t bound by geographical boundaries?

The Big Question:

How did they become a global civilisation without means of modern communication, technology and transport?

The Bonus Fact!

You know the Egyptian Sphinx beside the Great Pyramids?

This lion lady…

We are told that the Sphinx was built by the Pharaoh Khafre, who was Khufu’s (the Pharaoh, who built the Pyramids) son and, therefore, was built about 2500 BC. For a very long time, this was accepted history. It is an enormous structure. In the 1990s, a Professor of Geology at Boston University, Dr. Robert Schoch, came along in the scene and asked the Egyptologists a very interesting question:

“How do you know that the Sphinx was built in 2500 BC?”

The answer was even more interesting:

“Well, we actually don’t know. We think it was built in 2500 BC because you can’t date stone”.

Well, that’s true. If you would date stone, it would be billions of years old. Robert Schoch wasn’t satisfied, so he ran some geological tests. And his tests shocked the world because, what his tests showed was that the erosion you see on the Sphinx, and on the walls of the enclosure surrounding the Sphinx, were caused by heavy rainfall or any water source having enormous water content.

Water Erosion on the walls of the enclosure surrounding the Sphinx.

We know for a fact, it has not rained heavily in Egypt after about 5000 or 6000 BC, which means the Sphinx could not have been built in 2500 BC. It had to be older than 6000 BC, probably even eight, nine, 10,000 BC, we don’t know, but it is an old monument. The question, therefore, is: who built it?

We were all cavemen, and cavewomen, in those days, right? We were using stone tools. We did not have the technology and the science to build a massive structure like this… Yet, somebody did.

The Big Question:

If the Sphinx was older than 10,000 BC (12,000 YB2K), isn't it possible that it was the Younger Dryas effect, which flooded Egypt, as we all know that the Sahara was once full of greenery?

Did the Great Flood wipe out the highly advanced Egyptian Civilisation? If so, who were they, who had this extremely advanced technology to build such massive structures?


We now certainly know, there was a highly advanced global human civilisation, which was surely wiped out during the Great Flood, as a consequence of the Younger Dryas comet impact.

All these inferences have not yet been recorded in mainstream archaeology for a very simple reason — Human Resistance.

Mainstream archaeologists, who have researched all their life, and finally proposed a hypothesis, have successfully proven their theory and got global acceptance. If anyone goes to them and says that all what they did was wrong and made no sense, they would be furious. No matter what, they wouldn’t be ready to accept the fact that after all this time they were wrong — and that is absolutely human. I like to call it “Inertia of Knowledge”.

Even though mainstream archaeology refrains to accept these new facts, there is no way they can disapprove them. We all know that everyone believed the world was flat and how all celestial bodies revolved around the Earth, and how Galileo was humiliated, because he believed in a spherical world and the heliocentric solar system.

To rewrite the pages of history, it requires a global realisation. And that is exactly the objective of this article.

“Where do we come from? Why are we here?” additionally, Where are we heading? …questions remain unanswered.

Some Open Questions to Ponder Over:

  • Were the ones we call as “Demigods” a result of Denisovans mating with the modern human beings?
    Fun Fact: Indian and other South Eastern Human DNA is 2.4% Denisovan.
  • What about the deadly weapons described in the ancient texts, like the “Brahmastra”, “Trident”, “Thunderbolts”, and the like?
  • The famous Stonehenge in the United Kingdom — 70-ton-blocks of stones upright, then, further, lifting up 70 tons blocks of stones on top — built in 2400 BC! It took the modern human beings huge cranes to reconstruct the Stonehenge in the 1900s. Where did our ancestors get cranes in 2400 BC?
  • Looking at the Younger Dryas Boundary image in the article above, wasn’t Atlantis at the very center of the impact zone?
    [My next article, coming soon, on the New Found location of Atlantis, with scientific explanation related to Younger Dryas catastrophe — very convincing!]

Subscribe to my articles, follow me, to get notified about my next articles answering some of the above questions. Till then, adios.

