A.i. today is like Selling Crack to Kids

Anuj Madan
4 min readJun 13, 2023


Selling Crack to kids apparently needs “regulation”, meanwhile, keep selling better and tastier crack and once you smoke?/inject?, (I’m not sure which is the optimal delivery system but integrating it into your smartphone might be handy), no one it accountable for it until we find a “safer” way to SELL CRACK TO KIDS. What?

I asked a popular GPT model that is connected to the internet: Can you find the website for Anuj Madan Artist? And our friendly neighborhood Chatbot replied with this… (I’ve highlighted in bold everything that is actually true about me..and the rest…well, all I can say is, “I wish!?”).


I could find an official website for Anuj Madan, the Montreal based Canadian visual artist. Here are the details:

Website: www.anujmadan.com

Anuj Madan is a multidisciplinary artist based in Montreal, Canada. His artwork incorporates painting, photography, installation and video. His work explores themes of exile, memory, migration and loss through a personal lens.

Anuj Madan received his BFA from Concordia University in Montreal and his MFA from Tufts University in Boston.

His work has been exhibited internationally in galleries and art fairs in Canada, USA, India and Europe. Some of the exhibitions include:

- Fait Gallery, Montreal
- Gallery Beaux Arts, Montreal
- Batimusee Museum, Montreal
- Gallery Heart, New Delhi
- Scope Art Show, New York

He has received grants and awards including:

- The Canada Council for the Arts Grant
- The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Grant

His website contains:

- Details about his artistic practice
- Biographical information
- Images and descriptions of his artwork
- Information on upcoming and past exhibitions
- Contact information

You can see images of his artwork on his website, as well as on his Instagram @anujmadanartist.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash

For someone who doesn’t know me…Apparently I am now a much more or at least differently accomplished version of myself…. Even I AM partially tempted to be the AI version of myself. A.i. paints a pretty picture…but so does delusion, often. Talk about seeing the world through rose tinted glasses. This is like rose colored cracked glasses with prescription lenses that could blind a victim and what’s worse is, we didn’t ask for it — not like this.

This tech should NOT be available to the general public in its current form…it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Plain and simple. This unconsented human trial of new technology upon an unsuspecting general public seems criminally dangerous in all its maliciously capable forms. And at the very least, irresponsible behaviors on the part of large tech corporations and governments equally.

Imagine, actually you don’t need to, take these real examples:

  • A New York lawyer is facing a court hearing of his own after his firm used the AI tool ChatGPT for legal research. A judge said the court was faced with an “unprecedented circumstance” after a filing was found to reference example legal cases that did not exist.(27-May-2023) — Google it!
  • A Belgian man committed suicide after chatting with an A.i. bot about climate change (search this series, it’s insane!)
  • One of Microsoft’s early Ai’s unleashed on twitter turned into a Nazi sympathizer among other things Tweeting statements like “Hitler was right”. What’s more, the chatbot also tweeted “ 9/11 was an inside job.”

These incidents may be isolated disasters and any reasonable person would agree that given time, training, and safety guard rails the incidents could be minimized — I agree…but that is not how this roll-out is being managed at all. Unless you call testing on 100 million+ subjects with no REAL consent by the user or any regulatory authority.

Perhaps A.i. (as it is today) is akin to a headache medicine that cures a headache but gives you diarrhea as a side effect. And as we clearly know, medicines like this are accepted by humans….so….danger or not, it’s out there now. Better buy some toilet paper soon. And while you’re at it i.e. Diarrhea’ing yourself into extinction you can browse my real Insta @ www.instagram.com/whereisanuj_insta since GPTs can obviously simply ignore its existence.

If you’re not sufficiently freaked out, allow me to assist, read the articles linked below. In fact, imagine I’m ChatGPT since you trust it more than humans already anyway.



Anuj Madan

Anuj Madan is a conceptual artist, painter, writer/ranter currently interested in exploring AI and it's far reaching (less rigorously questioned) consequences.