This Life No Balance

Anuoluwapo O.
4 min readJul 30, 2022

Life is one very complex mystery. The more you try to dissect, the more confused you become.

Location A can be constantly getting flooded, due to the frequency and intensity of rain while location B literally has to beg the universe for ‘left-over’ rain.

How do you even explain that there is country A blessed with countless natural resources, while country B barely has 5 but is doing way better than A? Does this mean there more better humans in country B?

Why does it feel so easy for some people to switch relationships but it feels like a herculean task for others to even get noticed not to talk of finding love?

So many students graduate from universities every year with good academic grades. Some get a good job after few attempts while several years down the line, others are still trying to find their bearing. Then there is another category that can reach great heights in life without a degree.

There are couples that can afford virtually everything money can buy but do not have kids while there is that ‘dining-with-poverty’ couple who just need to peck and boom! Baby number 12 is on the way.

Some families thrash food daily while others do the most to get their daily 0–1–0 method of feeding.

Some people must work round the clock just to pay bills while others are born into a life of affluence and do not even need to lift a finger to live a luxurious life.

Same conception process, same delivery process, same body parts yet some are born into a life of happiness while the others are born to continue the suffering cycle.

Nigerians will say “Life no balance” but why is it that life no balance?

Why did our creator look at me and decide to send me to Nigeria? I mean what happened to other better countries.

Before you hit me with the “God gives the toughest battles to His strongest soldiers”, I will like you to know that I am not even strong. I am an unapologetic soft boy that loves a life of ease.

No, I am not ranting. Maybe I am, but then why does there have to be extremes? Why is there not a fine balance so it does not feel like some have two heads while others do not have any.

Does the universe have a special affection for some and then feels indifferent about others?

Questions! Questions!! Questions!!! That will probably never get answers so maybe I should flip the switch.

“Accept things you do not have the power to change”. So, lets accept the fact that Life No Balance, E no fit ever balance and move on. Shall we?

“Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor” by Williams Cowper is one of my favorite quotes.

Imagine a world where everyone was self-sufficient, and every country had every resource needed for survival at their disposal. There probably would not be a need for interactions or international alliances and that would have been a very boring world.

Our individuality is the spice that makes our life bubble. Imagine all your friends being on the same level or as wealthy, who go task you?

So instead of focusing on how life is not balanced, we should focus on making the best out of it no matter the condition or place we find ourselves.

Good thing takes time and that’s on period like our funky Gen Zs would say. We all have different paths that leads us to different journeys which also leads us to our goals.

Its okay to get overwhelmed sometimes or even feel like giving up on life. We all have had and still have our fair share of low times and that is what makes us human.

Life can be quite unfair; you just must find a way to deal. You should keep moving and find a means of survival.

Many things happen beyond our control, but you should determine to make the best out of what comes your way even when there is nothing good in sight.

In conclusion, find your passion. Put in the work to make yourself an asset and keep sailing. Also, God’s timing is perfect, it’s never too early or late. Be patient with yourself.

