Banked Curve & Banking Angle — equation of the banked angle derivation

2 min readAug 9, 2020

Banking Angle — what is the banking angle and why is it important?

When a car travels without skidding around an unbanked curve, the static frictional force between the tires and the road provides the centripetal force. But the wear and tear of tires caused by this friction increases the maintenance cost of the vehicles and increases the risk of sudden accidents at the curved points of the roads.

However, if the curve of a road is banked at an angle relative to the horizontal, much in the same way that a plane is banked while making a turn, the reliance on friction to provide the required centripetal force can be eliminated completely for a given speed. This angle the curve of the road makes here with respect to the horizontal is called banking angle or banked angle.

Banking angle at the curved turns of the roads reduces friction between the tires and the road and this, in turn, reduces maintenance cost and accidents of the vehicles.

Banking angle formula with derivation

Figure (a) shows a car going around a friction-free banked curve. The radius of the curve is r, where r is measured parallel to the horizontal and not to the slanted surface.

[ continue reading: @ my physics blog]

Different observations related to the Banking angle of the road

1 ) Equation 3 indicates that, [ continue reading: @ my physics blog]

How do the Banked Curve & Banking Angle help a car? | banking angle formula with derivation

Originally published at on August 9, 2020.




NIT Grad & IT prof. Writes and teaches HS physics. A motivational speaker and an active blogger with multiple niches. With lots of stories to tell.