Launching a basic Drupal application on AWS cloud

Anup Sinha
3 min readJan 10, 2022

First of all you need to create an AWS account and login by navigating to the following URL — . AWS provides 1 year free tier account for all the learners where you can do the hands on and play around.

Now from the services tab choose “EC2” and click on launch instance. EC2 is nothing but a virtual cloud server.

AWS EC2 Console

Now it will redirect you to the Amazon marketplace page where you can find already available machine images like Linux, Windows, CentOS, Drupal, Wordpress etc. We will choose the Drupal image provided by Bitnami. Also as you can see in the screenshot below it’s eligible for free tier use.

After clicking on select it will ask you to choose the instance type like t2.nano, t2.micro, t2.large etc. These are nothing but different variant of cloud servers as per the capacity and infrastructure. We will choose t2.micro here as it’s eligible for free tier.

Now click on “Review and Launch”. It will now ask you to choose a key-pair, here you can create a new key-pair through which you can connect to your EC2 cloud server from putty. You will get a .pem file after creating a new key pair but while connecting through putty you have to provide a .ppk file not .pem file. You can follow this link to convert your .pem file to .ppk —

Now if you go to your EC2 console, you will see your running Drupal instance as shown below. The next important thing will be to get the Drupal admin user and password from system log.

You will see a section in the system log where it will give you the admin username and password for your Drupal site as shown in the screenshot below.

Now if you access the public IP like— of your EC2 instance ( which you can get from your EC2 console ), you will be able to see your running Drupal 9 application. You can now login also with the admin user and password provided in the system log.

Happy Drupaling!! :-)



Anup Sinha

A senior Drupal developer with 9 years of experience. Acquia Certified Drupal 9 Developer @Infosys, Ex-Cognizant