CTF Road Map for Beginners

Anuradha Ranaweera
2 min readDec 3, 2023


Participating in Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges is not only enjoyable but also a valuable means of enhancing one’s cybersecurity technical skills. About a year ago, I embarked on a journey to kickstart my CTF experiences. Despite several attempts, many failed. Undeterred, I delved into research to uncover key insights on initiating a successful CTF journey. Armed with newfound knowledge, I adjusted my approach and eventually overcame the initial hurdles. CTFs have proven to be an engaging and effective way to develop and refine my cybersecurity expertise.

To embark on your journey into Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, it’s crucial to build a strong foundation in various areas. Firstly, acquaint yourself with the basics of the Linux operating system. A helpful resource for this is https://www.linux.org/. Next, develop a solid understanding of networking principles. Additionally, gaining proficiency in programming languages is essential; I recommend learning C and Python.

Moving forward, familiarize yourself with common tools in Kali Linux, such as Nmap, Nikto, Gobuster, Rustscan, Hydra, Ghidra, and others. Mastering these tools will be pivotal in tackling CTF challenges effectively.

Once you’ve honed your skills, choose a platform to practice and learn. Options like HackTheBox, PicoCTF, and TryHackMe offer diverse challenges for all skill levels. Upon registration, categorize CTF challenges into three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. This approach will help you gradually progress and tackle challenges aligned with your skill set.

As you delve deeper into CTF, you’ll notice distinct categories of challenges, including Linux Basics, Windows Exploitation, Web Exploitation, Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, and Buffer Overflow. Each category presents unique challenges, allowing you to specialize and broaden your expertise in specific areas.

Remember, consistent practice and exploration of different challenge categories will contribute significantly to your growth in the exciting realm of CTFs. Happy Hacking Guys.

