Creating a Local API Server using JSON Server

Anurag Nema
3 min readJul 16, 2021


Before doing so, Ensure that Node is installed on your system, if not then install it from After this, you can run the following command on git bash or Command Prompt to install json server :

npm install -g json-server
Installed json-server using git bash

As of now, our json-server installed successfully, we need to start our local server, for doing so run the command below:

json-server --watch db.json
Started json-server on port 3000

Now as our local server started, we can see in our git bash or cmd our server is running on http://localhost:3000 by default,but if you want to change the port (say 8000) use the command below:

json-server --watch db.json --port 8000
json-server running in http://localhost:3000

Now let’s check the db.json file that is saved on the system locally, it will be on the same location you started json-server.

db.json on file location where you started json-server

When we open db.json file we get data related to posts, comments, profiles as we have seen on http://localhost:3000 like:


you can also see the above data by clicking on link in http://localhost:3000/posts, http://localhost:3000/comments, http://localhost:3000/profile.

Now comes interesting work, lets create our own data on the local server.

For that let’s delete data on the db.json file and put our own like:

Edited data (our own data) of db.json

Now refresh http://localhost:3000,you will see Resources section will be updated according to db.json (edited) as :

http://localhost:3000 (updated)

Now you can watch your data on clicking links http://localhost:3000/Books, http://localhost:3000/Movies or whatever is your data.


On localhost we can see specific data using their id, for example, http://localhost:3000/Books/2 will give data about whose id is 2 as shown below:


It was my first article, I will try to be better every time and I hope you like that, thanks for reading !! It Let’s meet with the next article ❤️



Anurag Nema

I am a Student, pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering. All I want is to learn,connect and Share.