How to plan your way to success?

Anurag Vishwa
2 min readJan 14, 2018


“There are no shortcuts for Health and Success” , I would like to elaborate further that planning and strategy are very important part of achieving something.A bad plan is far better than no plan.

Of lately i have discovered there is process for everything, so in order to achieve any dream there is a process.

The process is very simple , don’t plan for the entire goal. Break the goal into months , then into weeks , then into days. Yes, here we are dealing with a day.If you plan for a week or month, you will fell like i would just spend my weekends enjoying and will cover up rest of the part in the weekdays.And believe me that never happens and we start losing the grip on out goal.

So just plan on daily basis. If you win the day ,you win the week,you win the month,you will the year, subsequently you achieve the desired goal.

For instance if i have to run around a park for 10 laps, and while running i figured out that no man i won’t be able to cover up 10 laps, so lets settle down for maybe 5 or 6. But if i would have broken my goal into 1 lap at a time and focused on that and nothing else then definitely the combination of those laps would have resulted in the ultimate goal.

One of the things that i have noticed in recent times is “The bigger your dream the earlier you wake up”. Waking up early is very beneficial, because the environment is quite and you can apply your mind towards your goal and achieve more as compared to any other part of the day.

To be continued….

