Introduction to SoapUI:

Anusha Yakkala
3 min readFeb 8, 2023


What is soapUI?


1)SOAP is the acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. SoapUI is a tool used in web services testing.

2)SOAP UI is the leading open source cross-platform API Testingtool.

Uses of SoapUI:

SoapUI is a tool which can be used for both functional API testing and for non-functional testing such as performance and security test.

Important features of soapUI:

  1. Functional Testing.
  2. Security Testing.
  3. Load Testing.
  4. Protocols and Technologies.

Which protocols and technology does SoapUI supports?

SoapUI supports a wide range of protocols and technologies, as shown in the following diagram:

Protocols and Technologies supported by SOAP

SOAP — Simple Object Access Protocol

WSDL — Web Service Definition Language

REST — Representational State Transfer

HTTP — HyperText Transmission Protocol

HTTPS — HyperText Transmission Protocol Secured

AMF — Action Message Format

JDBC — Java Database Connectivity

JMS — Java Messaging Service

5.Integration with other automation tools.

SoapUI integrated very well with popular tools


Apache Maven

Apache Maven is a software project management tool that can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central repository. Maven can also execute SOAPUI tests within Maven Build using simple commands.



JUnit is a Uni Testing framework built in Java, which can control the flow of tests from SOAPUI as well.


Apache Ant

Apache-Ant, a Java library which is a command-line tool that helps in building software. Using SOAP UI’s Command line, we can execute tests within an ANT Automated Build.

Now I am going to use SoapUI for simple calculator project:

I am using calculator WSDL file as an example.

  1. In the first step, want to open the SoapUI, then click on soap, paste the WSDL file and give the project name, then click on OK.

2) Calculator project is created in SoapUI.

3)click on Add. Request 1 appears.

4)Question mark symbol appears(?). Where we must enter the numbers for Adding.

5)After giving the numbers for addition,click on play button on the right hand side window.

6)Finally click on the XML to get to the result.

In these way,we can use soapUI for all the arithmetic operations.

