Why University Of People?

3 min readAug 17, 2023

As I myself am a student of bachelor of Health Science at the University of People, I would like to share my personal experience with you guys so that you can make a better choice of career line. As I had a five-year gap due to my personal circumstances, I had to face rejection from many places and the financial state played a big role in that. But I did not gave up on my education pursuit and came across Uo People, which really helped me with my career pursuit, with financial state and most of all, with earning a degree.

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1. What is University of People

Many people are not aware of Uo People, and as I was also one of them, getting to know about this amazing university so late is still one of my biggest regrets. So first, let’s get to know the Uo People.

The University of the People is an accredited online university that offers tuition-free education. It can be a good option for those who are seeking affordable higher education. However, like any decision, it's important to research thoroughly, consider your educational goals, and evaluate the program's offerings to determine if it aligns with your needs and aspirations.

2. Why Uo People and not other University?

Image obtained from Google Chrome

I know there are many universities with better education quality or career line, but the question is, do all of them accepts gap, do they provide tution free studies, do they have the flexibility to adjust the schedule according to your need? The answer is simply a big No. And that is where Uo people plays a vital role, fulfilling the demands that no other universities can. So let me break this information in a lilttle detail.

Here are some of the main factors as why opt for Uo People?

1) Affordability: The university offers tuition-free education, which can be a significant advantage for individuals who are looking for an affordable way to pursue higher education.

2) Flexibility: The online format of the University of the People allows for flexibility in terms of when and where you study, making it suitable for individuals with other commitments such as work or family.

3) Accreditation: The University of the People is accredited by recognized accrediting bodies, which means that the education you receive is of a certain quality and is recognized by potential employers and other educational institutions.

4) Global Community: Since the university has students from all over the world, you have the opportunity to interact with a diverse community and gain a global perspective.

5) Accessible learning: The university’s mission is to provide educational pportunities to individuals who might not have access to traditional higher education due to financial, geographical, or other constraints.

PS — The above research has been done by my personal experience and with the help of AI ChatgGPT.

