14-Day UX Writing Challenge

Anushka Jadwani
3 min readAug 7, 2020


In order to better my skills at UX writing, I took up the 14-day UX writing challenge. The prompts include short phone notifications, alerts, technical support emails, promotional schemes and offers, among other things. Overall, it has a heavy focus on UX-onboarding.

Here is a complete list of the challenge prompts and my solutions to them.

Takeaways from the 15-day challenge:

Encouraging Users to Continue Using the Product:

This challenge has taught me the importance of being succinct while trying to deliver the entire message to the user. One of the most important things I have noted while doing my research for each of the challenges was that if the user is being informed about an obstruction in their experience, it is good practice to make them aware of the alternate features of the product they’re using in order to keep them engaged with the product.

The Importance of Chunking Information:

This challenge has prompts that include a heading, which is to notify the user of a problem they have encountered or of a promotional offer in the most succinct way possible; body, which is a thorough message of the prompt; and buttons, which comprise of the call to action, the possible steps the user can take in order to resume using the product or to avail a promotional offer.

Chunking textual content not only helps the user process a piece of information faster, but also helps them remember the content better, thus making their experience more meaningful. According to Kate Morgan, Senior User Experience Specialist with Nielsen Norman Group, in addition to chunking, it is essential to create some visual hierarchy for example using varying text sizes and widths for headings, subheadings and body content, highlighting keywords, numbered and bulleted lists.



Anushka Jadwani

Interaction Design student at Sheridan College, Canada.