Anushka Pemmaraju
2 min readMay 5, 2022


Hyenas have powerful bite. These are cute but dangerous animals. They are 4 types of hyenas in the world there are spotted hyena, striped hyena, brown hyena, Aardwolf hyena.There lifespan is 12 years. They have good hearing and good eyesight. There speed is 64 km per hour. some of the hyenas are scavengers and some are hunters. They hunt in packs if it is a large animal but if it is small they hunt alone.

“hyenas stomach is never full”

Hyenas are carnivores. They have bad name for stealing food from there predators. They will chase there prey and bite them and drag them on ground after they capture and eat them alive.They mostly hunt at night times. Baby hyena are born underground and after there are born they are so aggressive and they push there sibling away to starve so that they can eat more.

Hyenas are scared of male lions. There predators are lions , leopards, crocodiles etc. Lions try to eat baby hyenas. Hyena symbolise good humour, resourceful. Some hyena sleep in water to stay cool.


