Pros and cons of online coding education for kids.

Anushka Sharma
7 min readJun 28, 2023


|No matter which field of work you want to go in, it is of great importance to learn at least one programming language.” ― Ram Ray

Online learning is becoming more popular for kids of all ages. It can be seen as a great supplement to their public or private school education, but it also has some pretty big drawbacks that you should consider before signing up your child. This article will explore the pros and cons of online learning for children.

It’s already clear as day that the future will be online and overflowing with technology. But what about learning? Already many classes which once took place in a classroom have now migrated to computers. As teachers of coding, we’re especially excited by the prospects of e-learning, but even computer geeks know that socialization is important. Staying true to our inner nerds, we decided to do a cost-benefit analysis of online coding classes for kids versus traditional coding lessons; weighing the pros against the cons to find out whether e-learning really is the future or simply a fad

  • Accessibility
    Having a computer at home is like having a magic carpet. You can see the world from the comfort of your home. When it comes to programming classes, having them online means that the majority of problems that usually prevent kids from going to enough lessons or even going at all are no longer relevant. Without the logistical nightmare of scheduling ‘mummy/daddy taxis’, kids don’t need to be limited to just one lesson a week. There are multiple time slots and curriculums to choose from in the variety of online courses and on CodeAdvantage, meaning that your kid can get as much or as little coding practice as they need.
  • Inaccessibility

Sadly, unlike magic carpets, online classes can’t just run on air. A computer and webcam are obvious essentials, but by themselves are not sufficient. Learning is a trying process and it definitely doesn’t need to be made more difficult by sub-par streaming quality. There’s nothing worse than having to ask the question 5 times because the sound broke up, and then have to squint hopelessly at the computer screen to make out what exactly your teacher’s trying to show you.

We cannot stress enough how essential adequate bandwidth speed is. If your home internet is anything lower than 1.5 Mbps consider upgrading. Whatever you do, don’t put your kid through the ordeal of watching a screen glitch for an hour! A headphone set with a mic can really help in making lessons run that bit smoother as well. Though, if there’s a quiet room that your child can go to, then they should be fine without them. If this all sounds like too much, consider sticking to the traditional classes where absolutely everything that’s needed for awesome coding fun is provided.

  • Focus, Distraction and Confidence
    Depending on the circumstances at home and your child’s personality, taking programming classes online can either boost or sap focus. Kids who’d usually spend their time impressing their buddies by clowning around tend to really benefit from online lessons. Interestingly, we also find that shyer kids participate more in online discussions. It could be because of the fact that they feel more secure when at home or it could just simply because the teacher can micromanage the discussion by temporarily muting the louder participants and giving less confident kids plenty of opportunity to speak.

For some, however, compared to the chaos of home the classroom is a refuge. Peace and quiet is vital to effective e-learning. If home looks like the McCallister’s house from Home Alone, then online programming classes are definitely not for your kids!

  • No wasted time
    We’re all well aware of how much time even the shortest of car journeys can hoover up, but what about time spent in the classroom? Kids, it seems, have ants in their pants. It can sometimes take a good ten minutes for them to come in to the classroom, sit down, log in and start concentrating. Online, children can start preparing for the lesson way before it even begins. That way, when the time comes for the lesson to start kids are ready to learn. Hence, why in online lessons more actual learning takes place instead of disciplining.
  • Future-Proofing
    The main aim of our lessons is to set kids up for success. Programming is key to that, but so is online communication and general computer skills. Taking programming classes online means kids get a double whammy of future-skills rolled into one lesson. With most international business meetings and even major conferences now being streamed online, the hours of video streaming experience will most certainly come in handy in almost any future profession. And of course, if your kid ends up becoming a programmer it’s a sure bet that the bulk of their work communications will be done online — perhaps while lounging on the beach of some Bahaman island!

Difference between online learning and classroom learning:

Community: Despite the stereotypes, online classes don’t have to be devoid of social interaction. A good chunk of our curriculum focuses on team work. Relationships and communicating are as much a part of our online classes as they are of our in-school classes.

Equipment: Unlike our traditional classes, kids will need to have a computer, webcam and good internet connection available for each lesson. Unfortunately, iPads and tablets aren’t supported by the e-learning platforms we use.

Flexibility: The huge variety of online coding classes to choose from, means there’s a level, time and teacher to suit everyone.

Fun: Our online classes are first and foremost interactive and alive! We firmly believe that it’s possible to have fun and effective learning online. Our kids leave online lessons just like they do traditional ones: buzzing with excitement and impatient to tell their parents all about the awesome things they coded!

Is online learning suitable for children?

It can be, but it all depends on your family’s unique circumstances. If you feel that this style of learning would benefit your children or ward’s school experience, then by all means go for it! But if their current schedule is working well for them, you may want to consider sticking with what they know—at least until they reach high school.

It’s true that some kids may feel lost or confused in an online class, and they might even struggle to keep up. But if your child is self-disciplined and motivated to succeed, then there’s no reason why he can’t excel! Just remember that as their parent, you’re more than welcome to attend the classes with them. You can join the discussion forums and interact with their teachers to help them when they get stuck.

Be assured that there are excellent online courses out there, but it’s important you do your research before enrolling your kids. Some of these programs are much more rigorous than others, so make sure to take a look at each one’s syllabus before committing. This way, you can judge whether or not the course is right for your child’s educational level and learning style.
Online learning can also help kids build valuable life skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. In fact, studies have shown that online students score higher on their college entrance exams than students who attend traditional brick-and-mortar schools.

What does online education lack?

Though online learning has many advantages, it is important to remember that it still does NOT offer any kind of true personalization or one-on-one interaction.Additionally, parents have expressed concern over the lack of supervision involved in these programs. Since kids are often able to go through their classes without being monitored by adults, they may find themselves getting off-track. This can be particularly problematic for younger students who still lack basic online safety skills. Although it’s unlikely that your child will encounter any serious issues, it is better to be safe than sorry.

While many of the major universities and colleges now offer free online classes, some parents may prefer more structured learning environments or in-person interactions with peers. Fortunately, there are several alternatives that can help you get the best of both worlds:

Classroom learning: Instead of allowing your child to simply take online courses, consider signing them up for physical classes and seminars. These types of programs can be beneficial because they teach students how to interact with their classmates and take advantage of the in-person experience. However, parents should keep in mind that these types of programs often charge a fee and do not offer credit hours.

Community seminars: Some children may prefer learning from trial-and-error along with other classmates. In these cases, parents can consider signing their child up for community seminars or special programs that bring students together to learn the basics of a particular skill or trade. This training is typically free and allows your child to work closely with other peers.

Children today are learning about the web more than ever. They have grown up with technology and they will continue to be more knowledgeable on how it works compared to the older generations.
It is important for parents to realize that online courses can help children enhance their overall education by teaching them new skills that they may not have been introduced to otherwise.
However, parents should keep in mind that online courses do NOT offer the same level of supervision as classroom learning.
It is also up to parents to make sure that their kids’ courses are reputable and will help them obtain a valuable set of skills that will benefit them for years to come.

