Privacy vs Anonymity

Anussha Hari
5 min readMay 8, 2023


This article was made possible by NordVPN.. Nah. I am just kidding. I am sure you would have seen a hundreds of YouTube videos which were sponsored by VPNs. Which brings me to the question, what does a VPN provide? Privacy or Anonymity ? or both?. Is privacy and anonymity the same ? or are they different?. Well, I am here today to answer to those exact questions dear reader!


Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay

Privacy is a precious commodity in the digital age. It’s like that last slice of pizza at a party — everyone wants it, but only a lucky few get to enjoy it without being watched by hungry eyes. In simple terms, privacy refers to the ability to control your personal information and decide what should be shared with others.

Think of your personal information as the ingredients that make up the secret recipe of your life. From your name and address to your browsing history and online purchases, it’s a delicate blend that you’d rather not have anyone mess with. After all, you wouldn’t want someone randomly adding anchovies to your pizza, would you?

But here’s the thing: in the digital realm, maintaining privacy can be quite challenging. Your personal data is collected by countless companies, websites, and apps faster than a toddler snatching candy from a piñata. And let’s face it, some of them have about as much regard for your privacy as a goldfish has for solving complex math equations.

You’ve probably noticed those pesky cookie banners that pop up everywhere, like an army of determined salespeople trying to convince you that you really, really need their product. Well, those cookies are not as delicious as they sound. They track your online activities and preferences, leaving a crumb trail of your digital life for others to gobble up. It’s like being followed by an army of overzealous pigeons wherever you go. Creepy, right?

And let’s not forget about those privacy policies that are longer than a Shakespearean play. They’re filled with legal jargon and fine print, making you feel like you need a Ph.D. in cryptography just to understand what you’re signing up for. It’s like trying to decipher a secret code while juggling flaming swords — an exercise in madness!

Privacy and VPN

Photo by Privecstasy on Unsplash

In today’s interconnected world, where data breaches and online surveillance are all too common, preserving your privacy has become increasingly crucial. That’s where a VPN steps in, acting as a shield that protects your sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

A VPN works by establishing an encrypted connection between your device and a remote server operated by the VPN service. This encryption acts as a virtual tunnel through which your data travels, making it virtually impossible for anyone else to intercept or decipher your online communications. It’s like sealing your messages in an impenetrable envelope before sending them out into the digital ether.

But a VPN doesn’t stop there. It also assigns you a different IP address, masking your true identity and location. Imagine it as a disguise that keeps your online footsteps hidden. Websites and online services see the VPN server’s IP address instead of yours, making it harder for them to track your online activities or build a comprehensive profile of your browsing habits.


Photo by Molly Blackbird on Unsplash

Anonymity is a funny thing. On the one hand, it can be incredibly liberating to be able to express your true thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment or retaliation. On the other hand, it can also lead to some pretty wild behavior — just take a look at the comments section of any online forum for proof!

So what exactly is anonymity, and why do people value it so highly?

Anonymity plays a vital role in the online world by providing individuals with the freedom to express themselves, explore diverse perspectives, and engage in activities without the fear of judgment or repercussions. It enables free expression, allowing people to voice their opinions and ideas without revealing their identities. Anonymity also empowers whistleblowers, activists, and individuals exposing injustice by shielding their identities from potential retaliation. It creates a safe space for seeking support and sharing personal stories on sensitive topics, reducing stigma and fostering empathy.

For many people, anonymity is a way to protect themselves from the prying eyes of others. Maybe they’re afraid of being judged for their beliefs, or maybe they’re worried about retaliation from online trolls. Whatever the reason, anonymity allows them to feel free to express themselves without fear of consequences.

Anonymity and VPN

VPNs are often touted as the superheroes of privacy, it’s essential to understand what they can and can’t do.

I have mentioned already as to how VPN works and how a connection is established using it. But here’s the catch: While a VPN can shield your internet traffic from your internet service provider (ISP), it’s not a magic wand that guarantees complete anonymity. Your VPN provider still has access to your online activities, and in some cases, they might keep logs of your connection data.

Think of it as being part of a secret club where the doorman knows your every move. Sure, the club itself might be secure, but the doorman has a record of who entered and when. So, while you’re protected from prying eyes, there’s still a digital trail that leads back to you.

Now, not all VPNs are created equal. Some providers are committed to privacy and have a strict no-logs policy, meaning they don’t keep records of your online activities(Like Mullvad VPN). It’s like having a trustworthy sidekick who knows when to keep their mouth shut.

Ultimately, a VPN can serve as a valuable asset in your pursuit of online privacy. However, it’s important to bear in mind that achieving absolute anonymity is akin to chasing a legendary creature — it’s a challenging endeavor that demands a blend of protective measures and responsible digital conduct.


In conclusion, through the realms of privacy and anonymity, we’ve gained valuable insights into their differences and importance. We’ve learned that privacy focuses on protecting personal information, while anonymity provides the freedom to express ourselves without revealing our identities. By understanding these distinctions, we are equipped to navigate the digital landscape with greater awareness and make informed choices about how we safeguard our data and engage with others online.

So, armed with this newfound knowledge, I hope now we can use these jargon in the right places and look cool (or totally like a nerd) while doing so.

That being said, I hope you liked this article. Have you ever found yourself using privacy and anonymity interchangeably? Let me know in the comments. Leave a clap, if you liked it and do follow me for more such cyber related content!



Anussha Hari

Security Analyst who can talk all day everyday about keeping systems secure and protecting users. Buy me a coffee: