Ode To My Dad

13 Years Gone, Memories Strong.

Anu Venugopal
1 min readSep 22, 2023
8-year-old me sharing a special moment with my Acha (Dad)

A man with many stories to share
He took his time, he was always there
My endless questions he used to bear
With his smiling face, I felt his care.

No doubt, his love for words was inspiring
Quietly, he led me to the path of writing
When at first my journalism days were daunting
He assured me in the end it would be rewarding.

And though I never told him all my fears
He knew of my troubles, my unshed tears
With his sense of humour, sadness disappears
His unconditional love, we felt throughout the years.

Though he isn’t here, I know from above he peers
Watching over his two musketeers
Always happy with company and a couple of beers
So tonight, Acha, for you, we shall cheers.

Today marks the 13th year since my dad left us. I wrote this poem as a simple tribute to the man who keeps on inspiring me every single day.



Anu Venugopal

Just a writer sitting in front of her laptop, asking words to love her.