IP Address vs MAC Address

Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2023

Every computer or device on the internet has two types of addresses: its physical address and its internet address.

The physical address — which is also called a media access control, or MAC, address — identifies a device to other devices on the same local network.

The internet address — or IP address — identifies the device globally. A network packet needs both addresses to get to its destination.

A MAC address consists of 12 hexadecimal digits. This number is hardcoded into the device during the manufacturing process.

The internet was initially built around IP version 4 (IPv4) and is in transition to IPv6. IP Address is either a four-byte (IPv4) or a sixteen-byte (IPv6) address.

NIC Card’s Manufacturer provides the MAC Address. Internet Service Provider provides IP Address.

MAC Address operates in the data link layer. IP Address operates in the network layer.

MAC Address helps in simply identifying the device. IP Address identifies the connection of the device on the network.

MAC Address of computer cannot be changed, IP Address modifies with the time and environment.

Difference between Port Number and IP Address

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