Responsive Logos

anvi bajaj
3 min readJun 30, 2019


Shape-shifting logos are responsive logos that alter in size, complexity or even color to accommodate and adapt wherever they are positioned.

Originally considered a trend in design (as we announced last year), responsive logos seem to be less like a fad and more like a practical need. There are now more locations than ever before to stick your logo, and they all differ extensively in size. That old “never alter your logo” rule that for centuries had been canon? It’s going to keep you back today.

Whether it’s the first you’ve heard of responsive logos, or you’re constantly considering creating one yourself, we’re here to inform you all you need to understand: what they are, why we need them, and even how to design one on your own.


Probably you have heard a lot of the buzz word “responsive.” Originally, the word was invented to define how a website adapts to distinct screen dimensions or “reacts.” The objective is to keep websites appearing at their best — whether on a desktop, tablet or mobile. More lately, to define their own size-shifting capacities, logos borrowed the term.

But the reality is, “responsive” logos were much longer around than responsive websites or even the internet!
Probably you have heard a lot of the buzz word “responsive.” Originally, the word was invented to define how a website adapts to distinct screen dimensions or “reacts.” The objective is to keep websites appearing at their best — whether on a desktop, tablet or mobile. More lately, to define their own size-shifting capacities, logos borrowed the term.

But the reality is that “responsive” logos were much longer around than responsive websites or even the internet.


The benefits of responsive logos are evident. It is difficult to use the same version everywhere without losing something here or there, considering all the distinct locations a contemporary business wants to put its logo.


Let’s begin with the size of the screen. Mobile browsing’s popularity alone requires at least one alternative version of your logo.

But we’re moving past smartphones to smaller devices lately: smart watches, smart bracelets, and smart glasses soon. If you believed your full-size logo looked smooth on your phone, wait a couple of years in your AR app when it’s crammed into the screen corner.

We also have small advertisements on small screens. Even ads on a desktop site are probable to shrink your ad. This impact on mobile devices is twice (or more!) as bad.

A lot of Graphic Designing Institutes in Delhi are focusing on teaching about responsive logos.

Print & Environmental

Companies are exploring fresh and varied advertising avenues outside the digital room. You need to consider not only the size of the logo but also how it looks printed on distinct products for traditional techniques such as advertising swags (T-shirts, pens, bags, hats, etc.).

And don’t forget the popularity of guerrilla marketing wherein government areas, like graffiti murals instead of billboards, logos appear suddenly. In other words, their logos require flexibility even strictly non-digital brands.

Videos also enable a logo style that until now has been mainly underused: animated logos.

With more and more businesses branching out into video content — particularly on social media — brands in any sector can imitate the same movement impacts that movie studio logos have used for centuries.

For big and small brands alike, now is the time for responsive logos. Large businesses are beginning to capitalize on how well their clients know their products by experimenting with more streamlined and abstract variations — as long as their classic logo is sufficient to make it recognizable. The Best Institute for Graphic Designing in Delhi are focusing on this topic while teaching their students

