Top 4 Creative Branding Trends

anvi bajaj
4 min readJun 29, 2019


Use these trends to keep your company up-to-date in the new year, whether you look forward to the future or back to the past.

These graphic design trends are the most popular and Graphic Design Institute in South Delhi are training students with these techniques.

1. Shapeshifting logos:

Contextual, variable and responsive — First and foremost, let’s begin with 2019’s largest branding trend as it impacts everybody, regardless of corporate identity. Thanks to technological advances, the outdated “never change your logo” principle is being abandoned by more and more marketers, paving the way for more optimized, shaping logos.

The concept is to have a brand in their stable with a few distinct logo variants so they can optimize their decision for each implementation. Your mobile app logo? Use the version that is tiny and easy. Promotional t-shirts for mass printing? You could save money with a black-and-white logo. Run a children’s campaign? It would be more appealing to have a colorful and cartoon version of your logo.

If this is a fresh idea for you, bear in mind these three logo adaptability regions: responsive — on digital devices, your logo changes to match the screen size (i.e. desktop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) Contextual — your logo changes based on where it is used (i.e., a one-tone logo to be embossed on company cards, a custom logo to fit a baseball cap, etc.).

2. Fantastic Serifs:

Minimalism has dominated digital design for years not only because of its aesthetics but also because of its practical advantages: on larger screens, minimalist designs are quicker to load and look better. But we’re beginning to see some backlash to minimalism lately, including the recent serif trend.

In the past, serifs — those little tags at the end of letter strokes — were a big “no-no” to modern, minimalist branding. But in 2019 they make a comeback, maybe because of a return of old-fashioned styles, but mostly because of their distinctive capacity to transmit the character of a brand. In 2019, we look forward to seeing distinctive, custom-made, eye-catching serifs with loads of personality that bring the style of a brand to the next level. The serifs of this year are strong and individualized, giving a modern and classic feel to this branding trend at the same time.

Whatever the case, serifs are best used sparingly: they work especially well in titles, logos or headings, but for large blocks of text they are not a great choice. Serifs can assist make your brand name or slogan look better, but they will make your blog post or website copy look busy and distracting.

3.More Friendly Geometrics:

Let’s talk about one of the branding trends that is more futuristic: geometry. Geometric branding includes grids, straight lines, and contemporary abstract forms. This style appeals to the desire for structure and order of people as well as to their present fascination with state-of-the-art modernism. But geometry alone comes with an inherent drawback: cold, intimidating and sometimes oppressive are mathematical designs like this. The solution: branding geometry development.

To counteract these disadvantages, developers use a few methods in 2019 to make geometrics more friendly and accessible. First, you can combine them with bright and hot colors that subvert the intrinsic gloominess of the style with their cheerfulness. Second, you can add more curves than straight lines and sharp corners that are more inviting and playful. Your branding thus benefits from clean, contemporary lines, yet at the same moment maintains a favorable, accessible atmosphere.

4. Intricate Details:

Serifs are not the only tendency to fight against the minimalism of Big Brother. One branding trend that has recently gained momentum as a direct reaction is to adopt complex ornamental details — adding more embellishments and flourishing to bring more character to your brand designs.

Inspired by baroque and art deco design styles and the recent popularity of hand-drawn illustrations, this trend is characterized by the same ornamental details that minimalists strip away. In particular, some telltale features include: line-shading repeated ornate patterns, interlocking shapes of subtle details (eyelashes, wrinkles, individual feathers, etc.) concentrated and parallel lines of visual flowers to fill negative space While this trend can produce some beautiful and artistic imagery for your brand, don’t forget the shaping logos trend we listed previously and Detailed visuals can sometimes be a big boost, but there will always be some areas where something simpler will be needed.

I hope these 4 top trends help you to make your next design. As a lot of Computer Designing Courses use these trends while teaching their students.

