App maintenance? what is it and how much it cost

Anvi Singh
8 min readNov 1, 2019


Portable applications are picking up significance since they have figured out how to make things accessible on the fingertips. You have chipped away at your application thought and employed the best engineer to make the application accessible to the clients. Propelling application isn’t sufficient, you need to keep up the application too. Upkeep incorporates dealing with bugs, supporting the new form of OS or highlight upgrade, there is a ton that should be done to keep your application alive. While getting ready for your application, you ought to know about the application upkeep and the cost engaged with the procedure. We have created and kept up a few applications and here are the subtleties of various kinds of application upkeep and the cost in question.

The Necessity of App Maintenance

Application upkeep is essential for any application that you dispatch to remain pertinent and focused. Application support will assist you with taking consideration of any bugs, accidents and execution issues. At whatever point iOS and Android dispatches another adaptation of the working framework, you should ensure your application is working right. You may need to make coding changes to help your application. The audits and criticism gave by the clients on the store make you mindful of the pattern and their needs. Application upkeep will assist you with fulfilling the ideal necessities of the clients in your Mobile Application Development Company Chicago. Normal application support will streamline the adequacy of the versatile application.

Normal Forms of App Maintenance:

1)Fixing the bugs

You may discover bugs in your application like application smashing or lackluster showing on specific screens. You ought to recognize those issues and request that your engineers fix the. Application accidents will drive clients from your versatile application and increment the danger of more uninstallation of your portable application. You don’t need clients to be baffled with the application execution, it takes a great deal to have somebody download your application and attempt it. You can include crash detailing devices like Crashlytics or Bugsnag to get the reports on crashes. They will give understanding on what issue caused the accidents. You ought to likewise implant examination SDK like google investigation in your application to screen the presentation of the application. These devices make it simpler for your designer to recognize the issues and fix them.

2) Functions and Feature Update

At the point when you dispatch your application just because, it may not be an ideal application. You will learn dependent on client input and audits about what highlights you need to include or expel in your application. Client criticism and surveys are one of the essential purposes behind element refreshes in your application. The other explanation could be the challenge, your rival may have propelled an element that is pulling in clients and you likewise need to stick out. The update of the new highlights dependent on the input of the clients will help your application to hold. At some point you may concoct an inventive element your own and needs to include that in the application. Now and again when you have an enormous client base, you may adjust the plan to give something new to the client. All these require application support.

3) Operating System Upgrade

The working framework (IOS and Android) gives customary updates to the presentation of cell phones. Regularly a significant update happens once every year and two minor updates turn out every year. The most recent OS update may not bolster your application, you ought to consistently test your application on the most recent OS form to ensure it is working accurately. In the event that your application isn’t refreshed for the OS, you may get accidents, input or terrible audits. Here and there OS update can be enormous, for instance, in 2017, Apple quit supporting 32-piece applications and completely relocated to 64 bits. That necessary a great deal of code work for some applications to work. A large portion of the minor OS updates are in reverse good, which means they should bolster the current application with no code changes. iOS and Android consistently pursue a calendar to refresh the applications and they generally illuminate all application designers and application proprietors about the forthcoming OS renditions in . They dispatch the beta rendition of OS to engineers ahead of time with the goal that they could test their applications and roll out vital improvements early. In the event that you have applications on the stores, you ought to know about up and coming forms and test your application. The following is a table of barely any last forms of iOS and Android OS:

Year Android iOS

2019 Android 10 iOS 13

2018 Android 9.0 Pie iOS 12

2017 Android 8.0 Oreo iOS 11

4) Updating the UI/UX plans

To have connected with client base, you ceaselessly need to concentrate on improving the client experience and UI. Ordinarily cell phone organizations will dispatch another telephone with the greater screen size and you may need to refresh the application configuration to guarantee it chips away at new screens. iPhone X was propelled with greater screen sizes and cause a few applications to refresh the structures. In some cases market patterns transforms, you may need to keep the application refreshed with the evolving styles. The update in the UX/UI structures gives the client a feeling that the application makers in Mobile Application Development Company in Chicago and truly keen on giving the best qualities to the clients. Now and again you will get input from clients that specific plan perspectives are bad and you may need to change those.

5) Security refreshes

The greatest up and coming risk to the application environment is cybersecurity, applications get to a few individual information from gadgets, online networking and in some cases therapeutic gadgets like pulse meter. Commonly they request that clients enter touchy information like Mastercard data, SSN, wellbeing information, area, and pictures. Programmers attempt to connect applications to catch this information. You may learn of these security dangers after you propelled your application. This may expect you to refresh your application code or backend code where you store the information. On the off chance that you are propelling a human services application, you may need to make HIPAA consistent to secure the wellbeing information. Any application that is for installments required to be PCI agreeable. You should check if your application needs to cling to any consistence. There are sure highlights you can have in your application to shield it from security dangers. A portion of these highlights are:

Empowering your versatile application with the unique mark logins

Not verifying information in the application locally.

Encode every one of the information spared locally.

On the off chance that transmitting information to a backend, make a point to have customer server encryption.

On the off chance that sparing information in the backend, unscramble the information.

Use SSL endorsements on the backend server.

Cost of App Maintenance

1) Labor cost for Bugs, Enhances, and Upgrades

For the best possible application support, you ought to hold the application improvement group. It is constantly prudent to have the first group who built up the application. This is on the grounds that they have composed the first and knows the current design. It is much simpler for them to refresh the code in the application. You ought to have a help concurrence with them which characterizes the amount they would charge you hourly for the help of the application. On the off chance that your application engineer is in the USA, your hourly help cost might be from $60-$150 every hour, contingent on who is keeping up your application. On the off chance that you are planning for the Bugs, Enhancements, and updates, a commonplace spending plan ought to be around 20% of the cost it took to assemble the application. For instance, in the event that you burn through $30,000 to assemble the application, you ought to assign around $6000 for the primary year of support.

2) App Store Cost

Application start charges yearly expenses to keep your applications live in the application stores. Apple charges $99 every year for the apple designer record to distribute an application. You can utilize one record to distribute numerous applications. Google charges a one time expense of $25 to transfer an application. The charges of the application store depend on a rate premise. Subsequently the more your application downloads from the stores there is an expansion in the application store cost. With regards to payout the google store is more regular than the apple store. Google store gives the payout inside a couple of days after the month’s end. Then again, the Apple store takes 30 days for the payouts.

3) Server Hosting Fees

You may have a backend server database for your application. The server facilitating charges rely on information use and exercises performed in your portable application. By and large, organizations use Amazon AWS, Azure and other cloud-based facilitating administrations. On the off chance that you utilize the database gave by AWS like Dynamo DB or AWS Relational database, your expense might be higher. At the point when you use database administration gave by AWS/Azure they will charge you dependent on what number of tables you make and the read/compose limit of the tables. On the off chance that you utilize the open-source database like MySQL on EC2 servers, the cost will be less. They likewise charge you dependent on what number of calls you make to the server. Other cost that you need to consider is the expense to store media records like video, sound, pictures and PDF reports. AWS has S3 stockpiling administrations for media record which is reasonable. When you dispatch your application and have clients, you will get a thought of the facilitating charges. Huge numbers of our startup customers pay in the scope of $20-$60 per month for server facilitating administrations. On the off chance that you pay $100 per month that implies you have a ton of dynamic clients and your application has got great footing in the market. The server expenses are month to month premise, it’s anything but a yearly agreement.

4) Data Backup

Information reinforcement is likewise an impressive thing in application upkeep. You can reinforcement your application information physically or request that the cloud supplier reestablish and information reinforcement. You ought to play out the information reinforcement task normally. This is useful when you lose your information because of certain issues, at that point you can without much of a stretch recoup the information. The information reinforcement comes helpful in the circumstance when somebody hacked in your framework and attempt to eradicate the information. The expense of information reinforcement isn’t much with cloud specialist Android Application Development Company Chicago . AWS charges generally $1 per month to reinforcement 20 GB of information.

5) Analytics

The majority of the applications propelled in the store have some investigative apparatuses in it to catch more information about client conduct. You can locate a few investigative apparatuses which are free similar to Flurry, Apsalar or google examination. There are paid examination devices which will charge you month to month expenses to utilize. Contingent on what you choose to utilize, you ought to consider the expense related with it.

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