Motivation, Consistency and Outcome of your Consistent Practice and Work

Mohammad Muzamel Anwari
2 min readJan 3, 2024


“ What makes you perfect; is how consistent you are”

Life has never been easy to be lived and to Survive it we should embrace some changes in our lives that shall motivate us to acquire some abilities to evolve to something with a good and an outstanding outcome. To achieve such good and an outstanding outcome we should be consistent to the changes and to not give up on it.

Motivation is the initiation force that a person uses it to initiate, continue or terminate a certain behavior at a particular time. Motivation makes a clear reason why a person behaves or act in a certain way. We are basically motivated through two pathways. The intrinsic pathway, which motivates us through our own internal rewards like self-improvement or helping a friend in need. For example, you may be motivated to study persistently for a better future or you want to study persistently to succeed because you want to positively affect the lives of the people around you. while the extrinsic pathway, motivates us based on external rewards like money or praise. This one is more common than the first one and includes achieving things due to fear or expectation. For example, a person want a promotion because of the expected raise.

Once you are motivated to do a work, the level of the motivation slowly decreases as days are passed. Now to keep up with that work you should stay consistent to do it regularly. Consistency, is the ability to stay on tract in pursuit of our goals once you have no motivation for the achieving of that goal. Consistency requires focus, self-discipline, time, sacrifice and lots of patience and endurance.

Once you are motivated to do a work that has a positive outcome then you should practice consistency. Being consistent is the key to achieve that work.

In Conclusion, To start a work a person needs motivation and if a person wants to keep up with that work and achieve his/her goals, that person needs to be consistent. Simple as like that!

