Mommy Baby Questioning Your Milk Supply

2 min readApr 19, 2023


Mommy & Baby: Questioning Your Milk Supply

Do you feel like you don’t have enough milk to adequately provide nutrition to your baby? You’re not alone. Many mommies face this problem.

Common Causes

Here is a list of common causes as to why a mother can have low milk supply:

  • Stress: Anxiety and stress can lead to a lower production of milk.
  • Baby Not Latching Correctly: If a baby is not properly latching on it can lead to the mother not being able to express enough milk to their baby.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Sometimes hormones can affect the body’s ability to make enough milk.
  • Insufficient Breaks Between Feedings: If a mommy doesn’t take enough breaks between feeding, her body won’t make enough milk.
  • Not Drinking Enough Water: Milk production requires fluids. If a mommy is not drinking enough, it can lead to a decrease in milk.


There are several things mommies who think they have a low milk supply can do to help increase their milk production.

  • Involve a Lactation Consultant: Consulting a lactation specialist can help provide advice, guidance and an understanding of underlying problems.
  • Improve Nutrition: Adding more healthy foods to one’s diet can help increase milk production.
  • Take Breaks Between Feeding: Having regular and adequate breaks between breastfeeding can help boost milk production.
  • Wait Until Baby Is Hungry: Waiting until the baby is very hungry can help them to latch better and increase milk production.
  • Drink Plenty Of Water: Drinking eight glasses of water a day can help keep mommy hydrated and increase milk.

It’s important to remember that it can take time to increase your milk supply. If you continue to have difficulties, visit a medical practitioner to further assess the situation. With the right support and advice, mommies can increase their milk supply and provide their babies with the nutrition they need!

