Anya Kaz
1 min readNov 18, 2016


The whole system. I would never got obamacare if there was no fine in tax return for it. This is so wrong, good doctors don’t take it. In fact, I have to spend a couple of hours to find a doctor who will take it. I don’t choose which doctor is best, I’m just looking for anyone, literally anyone, who will accept me. Those doctors have 1 and 2 star reviews. Metroplus Gold plan. You know what I do? I buy a ticket to another country, go on vacation and have a check up and dental work done for less than $200 altogether. Oh, the ticket, $550…. Truly thanks Obama. When I first saw the deductible for cheaper plans I thought it was a joke. Really, I thought I’m on the wrong website. Looked like a scam. Who else is there to blame?

