Anya Ozmen
4 min readMay 1, 2019



Quantum computing has been gaining popularity over the past fewer years and it will surely be commercialized in the future. But what’s after that? Is that the full potential or can we have something better?

The answer I believe might be in a theoretical framework in physics, called STRING THEORY(a theory of quantum gravity meaning that it marries general relativity and quantum mechanics). PS: It is useful to note that string theory is only one of the major theoretical frameworks that combine these two major ideas.

The reason I wanted to write this article is because I wanted to explore and suggest a furthering possibility within the realm of not just both computing and physics but the way of solving problems and understanding life.

I will firstly, go over where string theory came from, how quantum computing is beneficial and why string theory computing could be even better. I will base my hypothesis on the multi-dimensionality of string theory. There is multiple frameworks for dimensional theories: the 26-dimensional Bosonic string theory, 11-dimensional M-Theory and 10-dimensional Superstring theory. I won’t go over these in depth but roughly touch on them since I am only suggesting a probable advancement to a very new technology. If a string theory operated computer was to be made, it would not be anytime soon probably. The reasons for that are that the theory is not fully grown and doesn’t have enough of substansial experimental evidence. hence the Hadron Collider research etc. Fingers crossed for more findings…


String theory is a physics based framework that offers a coexistence to two battling but biggest theories in physics, relativity and quantum mechanics. These two theories are INCREDIBLE because of one simple reason: They explain most of the observed features of the universe and what it consists of. (Wonderful book that explains String Theory: The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene(one of my favorite books))

What is quantum computing capable of and how does it work?

Quantum computers work in extreme cold temperatures to replicate in a way a spectrum of possibilities to give a non-binary superposition. Instead of just having 1s and 0s on a binary limited framework, quantum computers offer a third element that is called a qubit. A qubit is a two-state system. In layman’s terms it might be beneficial to conceptualize it as both a 0 and a 1 at the same time.

Life and the universe is certainly tricky. We commonly learn from our perceptions of the world that an object can be only in one place at a time, almost everything we experience confirms this notion. However, quantum physics has significant scientific evidence and mathematical support that this is probably not the case. Things can be in two places at the same time in the most simplistic terms. Our traditional computers are built with a binary principle which effects many aspects of computing and processing power from speed to information storing capacities. With quantum computers, we will be able to do faster, more efficient and better tasks.

This video does a wonderful job at explaining how quantum computers work compared to a normal computer and what they are capable of : Click here to watch

Let’s get to the interesting potential here…

I like to think of classical binary computing as a line and quantum computing as a plane (flat surface) It most certainly has more dimension and bandwidth for computation.

In this image, imagine bits as 2 dimensional and qubits as 3. In quantum machine learning basically a virtual line or curve of best fit lets say to predict a value also has another dimension of components(in a way possibilities calculated into it) That is why quantum machine learning offers highly accurate results. The wonderful thing about string theory is that there is a multidimensional theory within it. (Interesting post that explains the multiple dimensions: Ten dimensions) String theory on the other hand has much more complexity and multi-dimensionality which would mean the results could be even more accurate since the machine would consider even more options and factors.

This is one of the most popular visual representations of the dimensions in string theory

Comparative you can see the difference between the complexity of these 3 visual representations. As a conclusion, we should consider connecting other advanced theories into computers since physics is a science heavily based on mathematical calculation and formulation so is a computer.



Anya Ozmen

A little bit of Philosophy dazzled with Science and Technology