7 steps to event creation

Anyone Can Do Business
2 min readApr 20, 2020


Podcast No 15 Shownotes

Today we’re talking about event creation and seven easy steps to create a successful workshop, class or event. We call it the wheel of creation.

If you train yourself to get all these things in place from the beginning, you can grow from a five-person event to a 500-person event with total ease.

Even though we’ve done hundreds of events, we still use the wheel of creation. It’s useful to have it all laid out so that you don’t forget any of the steps. It makes life a whole lot more ease, joy, and glory.

The beauty of systems

If you’re working with a team on an event, it’s really good to give them information on all the different aspects so they can see what’s required.

That’s the beauty of this system. It covers everything: what event are we going to create? Is it live is or online? What platforms are we going to use? How are we going to contact people? Do we require translation into other languages

You can create an event without any of this planning, but how big can it be? Our advice is: don’t skip this stage. By putting all these pieces in place, you’re laying the platform to scale your business.

We use Google docs to share information across our teams. But it doesn’t matter what platforms and systems you’re using. Just start using one, because none of the platforms are perfect. The key is asking questions about what’s going to work for you and your business right now.

The creation stage

Once we’ve done the planning, the creation stage is looking at how to get this event out into the world. It’s not so much about selling your event. It’s more about being an irresistible invitation.

This is where the ideas, graphics, social media posts,and beautiful videos come into play. All those little threads will connect you to the people who are looking for your event and may not even know it.

Joy of taxes

I, Rachel have started this thing called profit first. This is where I take into consideration all of the expenses, and I’m also looking to make a profit at the end of the event.

Now if you’re thinking that you just want to put on the events and do all the fun stuff, please know that eventually you have to deal with taxes and budgets. Don’t avoid it.

In the US, I, Lauren, have seen a culture of taking in cash and not reporting it. People try to hide their income so they don’t have to pay high taxes.

What happens energetically when you hide what you’re doing is people cannot find you to come to your events or to buy your products or your services. So you’re only shooting yourself in the foot.

That doesn’t mean you don’t get creative with your accounting and use all the rules to your advantage!

To download The Wheel of Creation, GO HERE

Also, if you‘d like to know more you can listen to the Episode HERE

