Where is your Pot of Gold?

Anyone Can Do Business
2 min readMar 16, 2020


On the eve of St Patrick’s Day, I, Rachel O’Brien, am joined by guest Paul Kearney to ask our listeners,what is your pot of gold?

Hint: it isn’t money.

I’ll be happy when I’m rich…

Life should be fun, life should be easy except that sometimes it isn’t…If you’re going through a period of anxiety or stress, that’s okay. The human spectrum includes ups and downs and everything in between.

Yet, how often do you say, “I’ll be happy when I’m rich,” rather than choosing to be happy now? Anxiety or worry is not greater than you. You are the most incredible creator in your life and once you acknowledge that everything changes.

Do what brings you joy

So start looking at what your pot of gold really is. What makes your heart sing and excites you? It usually isn’t money.

Your pot of gold could be making another person smile or it could be giving somebody an umbrella when it’s raining. It could be having a day where you don’t judge your body. It could be empowering people.

Your pot of gold is what makes your heart sing and thrills your entire being with joy and enthusiasm.

Always question everything

If something in your life is not working,use some tools to change it. Here are some great questions to ask: what could you create next? Who could you talk to? What else is possible?

The gift of the question isn’t finding the right answer. It’s to discover new information, new possibilities, awaken your abilities and develop your awareness.

The choices you make today will create your tomorrow. Inversely, what you chose yesterday or 10 years ago has created what is showing up for you now.

So acknowledge the brilliance that you have chosen. Now, what else can you add to your life? How can you have fun today?

Once you get happy, things flow quite well and even if a challenge comes along, is it easier to figure it out or make the choice to move on?

What if laughter actually creates far more on the planet than anything else?

If you’d like more gold, listen to all our past podcast episodes here: www.anyonecandobiz.com

