How to find the right online freelancer every time with AnyTask
There you sit, with a freshly created AnyTask account and a to-do list in front of you. What next?
Well, first off, congratulations. You’ve come to the right place. AnyTask is a global network of professional freelancers, all ready and willing to help you shrink that to-do list in no time. You now have access to a global economy of experts who are eager for the opportunity to impress you with their talent and hard work.
That’s a pretty good place to start, right?
But now you need to choose the right freelancer. That’s what this guide is for — a simple list of good practice tips to ensure you get the right person for the right task.
Let’s dive right in…
Know what you are looking for
It may seem obvious, but it’s worth reinforcing — you’ve got to know what tasks you need completed. It’s worth sitting down to carefully plot what specific tasks you need right now (a logo, data entry, a WordPress website) and what can wait (a party mansion, a throne, a giant wallet to store your $50 notes).
We’re joking, but it’s a valid point — take it one step at a time, and think about what you really need right now. Don’t get ahead of yourself, keep your list focused and carefully prioritised. Put a deadline for each task down, and use that as part of your search for freelancers. Make sure you think carefully about those deadlines — some things may really be urgent, but some things (such as your logo and brand) may be worth giving more time to.
By doing this prep work, and keeping your list of tasks strictly limited at any one time, you’ll have more time to research each one and find the right freelancer. Speaking of which…
The right person for the job
The amazing thing about using a network of freelancers like AnyTask is you get access to true specialists at a fraction of the cost. You don’t need to use generalists to take care of everything.
For example, not all designers are the same. If you need a logo, go to someone who does a lot of logo design — someone who specialises in photo-retouching may not be as good for this task. It’s better to pick a roster of experienced, trusted specialists than try to cut corners by using one freelancer for everything.
Pay attention to reviews
We want our freelancers and buyers to come out of each transaction feeling happy. Reviews are one of our best tools to do that.
We ask all our buyers to leave reviews on the freelancers they use to help us maintain quality on the site. They’re a key way for you to evaluate a potential freelancer.
But don’t just look at the star ratings — read the written reviews on their profile. These can tell you specifics about the way this freelancer works and what their strengths are.
Look for realistic time-frames
Fast responses and turn-arounds are one of the awesome benefits of using AnyTask. Brandon De Jesus, a realtor from Florida, US, has found this over and over again — read about the way he uses AnyTask here.
We give our buyers the option to search for tasks based on how quickly they can be completed because some do operate on very tight time frames. However, we would also caution that no matter how urgent your task may feel, be careful before making speed of delivery your top factor when evaluating freelancers.
Some tasks really can be turned around overnight (literally!) and that’s an amazing bonus of using a global network of freelancers. However, others, like app-design or website development, take time to get right. If a freelancer is promising a complex task will be completed incredibly quickly, they may be being over-optimistic.
Cost isn’t everything
With AnyTask you can get tasks at low cost compared to other freelance platforms, and that’s a huge benefit of the platform.
Another bonus of the platform is our 100% payment protection scheme. This means if your task isn’t completed as requested, we’ll refund you. You can read more about this in our terms and conditions.
However, we’d recommend avoiding using price as your sole, or main, way of choosing freelancers. Sometimes it’s worth parting with a few extra dollars to get a freelancer who has specific experience in your sector, or who has endless reams of outstanding reviews. If you go for a freelancer who is cheaper, but not quite right for your task, you may end up needing to commission another to re-do it.
Obviously, each task, and each buyer, has its own priorities. Some tasks suit going to the lowest bidder. But not all of them! This is why carefully listing out your tasks and priorities comes in handy.
Pay it forward — leave a review!
AnyTask is a community. For it to be at its best, we need participation from both freelancers and buyers. By leaving a review after buying a task, you help the next buyer make a decision on which freelancer to go with.
So please leave a review and help our community grow!
There you have it — our list of best practices for finding the right freelancer. We hope you’ve found this list useful. Keep an eye out for more articles soon about how to get the most out of AnyTask.
Originally published at on April 8, 2021.