Empowering Women through Solar Energy: The Inspiring Story of Solar Sister in Nigeria

Amara Okoye
3 min readMar 17, 2023


How a social enterprise is transforming lives and communities with clean, renewable solar energy and female entrepreneurship

Growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, I have always been aware of the energy challenges faced by many rural communities in my country. Access to electricity is a luxury that millions of Nigerians still struggle to afford. In search of solutions, I discovered Solar Sister, a social enterprise that empowers women with clean, renewable solar energy solutions, while promoting female empowerment and community development. In this article, I’ll be sharing the inspiring story of Solar Sister and the incredible impact it has on women, their families, and the environment in Nigeria.

The Solar Sister Model

Solar Sister, founded in 2010 by Katherine Lucey, is an innovative social enterprise that combines the power of clean energy technology and women’s enterprise to eradicate energy poverty and foster sustainable development. The organization operates in Nigeria and several other African countries, with a unique distribution model that relies on women as clean energy entrepreneurs.

These women, known as Solar Sister Entrepreneurs, are trained and supported to create their own businesses, selling affordable solar-powered products like lanterns, mobile phone chargers, and cookstoves. The model empowers women economically and helps bring clean, renewable energy to their communities.

“Sisters of the Sun” by Amara Okoye

Environmental Impact

Switching to solar energy has significant environmental benefits. It reduces carbon emissions, lessens deforestation, and decreases reliance on harmful energy sources like kerosene, which poses health risks and contributes to air pollution.

To date, Solar Sister has impacted over 1.8 million people across Africa, providing access to clean energy and reducing thousands of tons of CO2 emissions. By empowering women to champion the use of solar energy, Solar Sister is not only creating a healthier environment but also fostering a sustainable future for rural communities.

Empowering Women and Transforming Communities

Through Solar Sister, women in Nigeria and other African countries gain economic independence, increased confidence, and leadership skills. I recently had the opportunity to speak with Nneka, a Solar Sister Entrepreneur from a rural community in Enugu State. She shared with me how becoming a Solar Sister Entrepreneur had not only improved her family’s quality of life but also inspired other women in her community to pursue their own businesses.

The ripple effect of Solar Sister’s work goes beyond the entrepreneurs themselves. Their families benefit from improved health, thanks to the reduced indoor air pollution from cleaner energy sources. Children can study longer with access to solar-powered lighting, leading to better educational outcomes. The entire community benefits from increased economic activity and a focus on sustainable development.

The Future of Solar Sister and Expanding the Model

Solar Sister has ambitious plans for the future, aiming to expand its reach within Nigeria and other African countries. Their goal is to empower more women and bring clean, affordable energy to millions more people. The potential for replicating the Solar Sister model in other regions facing similar energy challenges is enormous.

In conclusion, Solar Sister presents an inspiring example of how environmental sustainability, female empowerment, and community development can intersect to create lasting positive change. By leveraging clean, renewable solar energy and promoting female entrepreneurship, the organization is transforming lives, improving health, and fostering economic growth in rural Nigerian communities. As we face the challenges of climate change and social inequality, it is crucial to support and champion initiatives like Solar Sister that prioritize both people and the planet. Unity is strength. The future of sustainable development depends on our collective efforts to uplift marginalized voices and embrace innovative, inclusive solutions that empower individuals and communities to thrive.



Amara Okoye

Sustainability & Diversity Advocate🌿| Passionate about empowering women & promoting eco-friendly solutions🌎| Writer📚| Proud Nigerian🇳🇬| Creating change💚