Adebola Olomo
5 min readNov 13, 2021


I have an exciting fear of flying, it is particularly exciting because, I keep flying. I like to travel, visit new countries and cities and also because work earlier on in my career, required me to move along quickly, and on these flights I have had varying encounters.

I remember the interaction on this flight, particularly because I did not see it coming…

I was on a work trip to the beautiful city of Abuja, Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory (FCT), the trip to the FCT from Lagos is about 45 mins and usually an uneventful trip. I had mastered the entire 45 minutes having taken this trip so many times. I knew when we tipped higher, I knew when the turbulence set in and I knew when it was time for the announcement to come on “we have now begun our descent into Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport…” ; I was familiar with it and this was no big deal. Right? Err…

Well, on this trip, the difference is that, I met a guy! Here is the story…

No matter how many times I have flown this route, my fear of flying remains with me, on take off and on landing. I just can’t seem to shake it.

It was the same on this flight. The fear came on as we started to take our seats and I prayed. I said those prayers with real intent and passion, howbeit quietly; I asked God for a courageous seat partner, so that once turbulence sets in, he can be macho, I can hold his hands, twist, turn and press them and all I will get in return is a smile saying ‘Everything will be Okay ma’am’.

And yea, oh yea, I got my answered prayer. My seat partner was a strong guy. Tall, well built and seeming not to care much about the fact that we were in an aeroplane, he looked like he was simply in a cab taking him a few metres to his destination.

That was Super Cool for me. I got the right seatmate! Hey Pilot, we are set, get this thing flying — I said quietly with a smile to myself!

The flight attendant’s voice came softly over the speakers announcing the necessary albeit boring demonstrations, we were set, activated and ready to go!

The plane took off in resonance with my heartbeat, there was a meeting of minds. It seemed my heart was beating with intentionality and saying to itself — “Once it’s 5 mins and we are not in the clouds and settled in, start beating faster!” ; however on this flight, nope, there seemed to be no need to activate a ‘blood rush’, we were up in the clouds in good time and settled; this flight had every ring of a good one.

The dutiful attendants came around in sync with my mental time clock, rolling in the trays of snacks…and I have to say, I love this part of the short flight to Abuja. It makes the trip so much better to manage. This way you know they will spend time rolling out, serving everyone, cleaning up, and soon after, it was time to land!

So, what I do is to follow the process; I get involved, following with my eyes, seeing to it that everyone got served! Oh yes, I follow and monitor the entire event with my eyes and with my mind, it's similar to a big wedding reception where I need to ensure everyone is well served. All these drama, just to keep my restless mind busy!

Then it happened!

First, softly (gbi-gbi), hmm, I simply adjusted on my seat, and shared a smile with the guy seated next to me, preparing him for the moments ahead. Then the turbulence got serious, and I really wanted to hear from the pilot telling us that there was nothing to worry about and that he had this under control.

But no, he said nothing!

At one point, there was a sort of ‘drop’ , and everyone gasped, at this point, I knew, ‘it is finished’; it was time to hold hands with my ‘macho team mate’; I reached out quickly with a smile and grabbed my hand as he smiled back. That was the reassurance I needed.

Suddenly, everything eased and I was grateful. The guy asked for my name and I gave him my full family tree, I told him I was going for a meeting and I was glad to have him seated by me today for this flight.

Then he started to respond, getting me to look into his eyes for the first time; he started to speak, and it dawned on me…😂😂😂😂😂😂 ; my seat partner of voltron (an anime in the 90s who was all about saving the world) looks, who just told me he worked for the Central Bank and was going back to work after a good holiday in Lagos, was more scared than me.

He actually needed to ease himself but had been too scared to stand up. He had water in his eyes and all this while, he had been holding on to me while I thought I was holding on to him.

So he was thanking me for having me beside him to hold as he was sure he was going to wet himself.

Arggh…! What is this??? No way!!

The voice of the pilot came on the speakers interrupting my moment of awe, ‘we have now begun our descent into Nnamdi Azikiwe Intl Airport”. The new revelation stayed with me. I watched from a mind distance as the air hostesses carried out their final rituals, getting the plane ready to land.

I tapped his hand, I said to him that, it was my honour to have been of help. (lmao). I stared ahead and thought to myself…I am not abnormal, but maybe he is! . I knew I would not forget the guy in a hurry!

Once the plane landed, he asked how I was getting into the city and I made something up, I was done with this guy. ‘Go and wee no more’!

I still have the fear of flying, I still can't sleep when I fly…however these days, when I look around and everyone seems like they’ve got it together in a turbulence, I smile within me knowing, an ‘Etero’ (not his real name) might be here too! That makes me smile and sit back.

This is dedicated to everyone who thinks they are alone on their journey, there are many more going through the same situation or worse, focus on winning because your story might be the inspiration they need to keep them going.

Cheers xx

