André Oriani

Oct 23, 2023

10 stories

99 saves

Writing Swift-friendly Kotlin Multiplatform APIs

An introduction to the series, explaining the format, and introducing the @ObjCName annotation
Shows situations in which name clashes that would not happen in Kotlin do happen in Swift, so the Kotlin Native Compiler will inadvertently rename symbols
Shows how to properly write Kotlin multiplatform code that may throw exceptions, so it is possible to catch them on Swift-land.
Objective-C only has C-Style enums, so we Enum and Sealed Classes don't translate well to Swift. Learn the tricks on how to get around that.
Kotlin coroutines can be launched by Swift tasks, but there is no way to cancel them. Learn how to address that in this chapter.

André Oriani

André Oriani

Brazilian living in the Silicon Valley, Tech Lead and Principal Mobile Software Engineer @WalmartLabs